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The Christmas Cycle<br />

cross in Jerusalem. Today we join the Offertory procession led by the child Jesus; as the Epistle<br />

admonishes us: “Brethren, I beseech you by the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a<br />

living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your reasonable service” (Epistle).<br />

Jesus goes to Jerusalem to make His offering. For many centuries the Jews from all parts of<br />

the land have made pilgrimages to Jerusalem to offer sacrifice in the temple, where the holy<br />

sacrificial fire burned continually in the courtyard. Animals were continually slaughtered<br />

and their blood was sprinkled on the altar of sacrifice. But these sacrifices were not fully<br />

pleasing to God. They had no power to free men from sin, nor to justify them in the sight of<br />

God; neither could they bring to God the honor that was His due. A new kind of sacrifice<br />

must be found, and it would be found. “I have no pleasure in you, saith the Lord of hosts;<br />

and I will not receive a gift of your hand. For from the rising of the sun even to the going<br />

down, my name is great among the Gentiles, and in every place there is sacrifice, and there<br />

is offered to my name a clean oblation; for my name is great among the Gentiles, saith the<br />

Lord of hosts” (Mal 1:10 f.). Today the incarnate Son of God goes up to the mountain of the<br />

temple for the first time as a full grown Israelite, and there quietly and unnoticed He makes<br />

His offering. With Mary and Joseph He offers the humble gift of the poor; but together<br />

with this humble external gift He adds His inner self, His entire being, His willingness to<br />

undertake whatever the heavenly Father desires of Him. “Behold I come. In the head of the<br />

book it is written of me that I should do Thy will, O God” (Heb 10:7). This is the perfect<br />

offering in which the Father is well pleased.<br />

Jesus takes us with Him when He goes to make His offering. “Brethren, I beseech you by<br />

the mercy of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God, your<br />

reasonable service” (Epistle). To the offering of the Savior we add the offering of ourselves. At<br />

the Offertory of the Mass we give everything that we have. We offer ourselves, body and soul,<br />

as a pure and sinless sacrifice to God. We are to offer to God our “reasonable service”; that is,<br />

we are to make an offering that has been sanctified by the spirit, by grace, faith, and love.<br />

Our offering does not begin with the Offertory of the Mass, and it does not end there; it<br />

must include every action of the day and everything we do as Christians. This truth we learn<br />

from the Epistle, which continues: “And be not conformed to this world [that is, to its motives,<br />

its point of view, its works], but be reformed in the newness of your mind, that you may prove<br />

what is the good, and the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.” A new spirit must be born<br />

in us; the spirit of Christ must envelop us. We must learn to love what He loves and hate what<br />

He hates, to do what He wishes, and to model our lives after the example which He has given<br />

us. In this spirit we will understand, love, and do what is “the good, and the acceptable, and the<br />

perfect will of God” (Epistle). “Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God,”<br />

in union with the sacrifice of Christ, who this day is in our midst and offers Himself up with us.<br />

To be a Christian means that we must make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem with Jesus, that we<br />

must offer ourselves up with Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and in all our daily actions.<br />

“For I have given you an example, that as I have done to you, so you do also” ( John 13:15).<br />

“Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing unto God.” Our bodies are something<br />

more than a base prison for our souls, something more than the corrupt source of<br />

evil and wickedness, something more than the base material which is the source of all sin. It<br />

has the honor and the duty of being a holy offering made to God. By means of a new spirit<br />


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