MARCH 2023

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Fasting from food and things,<br />

however, is only half the battle. The<br />

Bible also tells us that, together with<br />

fasting, a person must also fast from<br />

violence and oppressing others. In<br />

other words, as we fast from food and<br />

other things, we must also keep up a<br />

loving attitude towards others. Think:<br />

as we try to fast in a way that is genuine,<br />

can we truly make an effort to forgive<br />

those who have hurt us and not<br />

hold onto anger? Do not let your past<br />

wounds control you. Talk to Jesus in<br />

prayer about your hurt, your anger,<br />

and your wounds.<br />

Celebrating Lent<br />

Entering into the desert with Jesus<br />


“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit<br />

into the desert to be tempted by the<br />

devil. And He fasted forty days and<br />

forty nights…” -Matthew 4:1-2<br />

As the season of Sawma Raba<br />

(Great Lent) begins in the<br />

Church, we must not forget the<br />

point of Lent – to prepare our hearts<br />

and minds for the glory that is the Resurrection<br />

of Our Lord and Savior Jesus<br />

Christ. The Resurrection of Christ<br />

is the central aspect of our faith; it is<br />

the reason why we offer our hearts to<br />

Christ as we celebrate Mass each week.<br />

As you prepare to celebrate the<br />

Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday<br />

– the greatest event in all of human<br />

history, and dare I say, the entire<br />

universe – you must ready your heart<br />

to understand this key event of our<br />

faith by traveling and fasting with Jesus<br />

in the desert.<br />

The desert is a place of simplicity.<br />

Simply put, there is not much going on<br />

in a desert – we can imagine a barren<br />

landscape where there are very few<br />

plants, not many animals, the landscape<br />

littered with rocks and dried out<br />

weeds. Going further in our imagining<br />

of the desert, there are not many<br />

hiding places or shelters in the desert<br />

to hide in. There is nowhere that one<br />

would be able to hide in the desert –<br />

everything comes to the surface.<br />

Lent is an invitation for you to take<br />

that courageous step of going into the<br />

desert with Jesus and allowing for<br />

whatever it is that you are hiding in<br />

the darkness of your heart – whether<br />

that be your sins or your wounds – to<br />

come to the surface and into the healing<br />

light of Christ.<br />

How do we travel with Jesus through<br />

the desert? Again, the desert is a place<br />

of simplicity. There are no distractions.<br />

In our busy 21st century lives, distraction<br />

is something at which we have exceled.<br />

Our lives at times can be a series<br />

of distractions and diversions that do<br />

not allow us to think about the bigger<br />

questions of life.<br />

This is precisely why we need to<br />

enter into the desert with Jesus – to<br />

cut out the distractions from our life<br />

and come face to face with the dark<br />

parts of ourselves that we sometimes<br />

want to ignore; to learn more about<br />

Our Savior Jesus Christ, and to detach<br />

ourselves from the things of this dying<br />

world in order to learn to better appreciate<br />

what Jesus Christ has won for us<br />

as sons and daughters of the eternal<br />

Kingdom of God.<br />

The Church calls us to do three<br />

things during Lent: pray, fast, and give<br />

alms.<br />

Prayer<br />

Lent is a time for more prayer. A life<br />

without prayer is a life without the<br />

joy of the presence of God. It is one<br />

thing to fast and to give alms, but if<br />

we are not praying, we are not living<br />

and thriving as Christians but merely<br />

surviving. This Lent, incorporate more<br />

prayer in your life to experience the joy<br />

of knowing God more and more and<br />

enter a greater relationship with Him.<br />

We are especially blessed in this day<br />

and age with so many prayer books (a<br />

favorite is My Daily Bread) and digital<br />

apps (such as the Hallow app) that<br />

help us to pray daily.<br />

Fasting<br />

Fasting is a penance that the Church<br />

encourages us to follow during Lent,<br />

and, from a spiritual point of view, it<br />

symbolizes our dependence on God.<br />

In fasting, we are able to put God at<br />

the center of our lives and put all else,<br />

all created things, to the side. It serves<br />

as a reminder to God and to ourselves<br />

that the things of this world do not rule<br />

over us, only God does.<br />

Almsgiving<br />

Giving alms is, simply put, helping<br />

the poor. There is no shortage of ways<br />

in which we can give to those in most<br />

need. One thing you and your family<br />

and friends might consider this season<br />

is to give to those who were affected<br />

by the earthquakes in the Middle East.<br />

Many were impacted by this tragedy,<br />

and the Diocese, through Chaldean<br />

Catholic Charities, has been working<br />

with volunteers directly on the ground<br />

in Syria and Turkey. To donate, visit<br />

Chaldeanchurch.org.<br />

In addition to these three central<br />

aspects of Lent, there is another spiritual<br />

practice to help you enter the desert<br />

with Jesus – what is dubbed as the<br />

3-1-1 challenge.<br />

3: Give up three distractions or diversions<br />

in your life that are keeping<br />

you away from God. This could be social<br />

media, your phone, laziness, going<br />

out, etc.<br />

1: Add in one additional spiritual<br />

practice into your life. This could be<br />

a Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, or<br />

reading the Bible.<br />

1: Find that one sin that you continue<br />

to struggle with and work on casting<br />

that sin out of your life for good.<br />

Receiving the graces and help that<br />

come from God from a good confession<br />

will help you a great deal. Learn from<br />

your sin, dust yourself off, and focus<br />

above all else on the way that Jesus<br />

has set before you.<br />

Lent comes from an Old English<br />

word that roughly translates into<br />

“spring.” Let us enter into the desert<br />

with Jesus this Lent, so that we may<br />

undergo new life, a new “springtime”<br />

in our own hearts, ready to receive the<br />

light and the glory of the joy of the Resurrection.<br />

14 CHALDEAN NEWS <strong>MARCH</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

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