Teman Magazine - life+style - Autumn 2023

We have another packed issue of the Teman Magazine life+style. On the front cover we have members of the hobby shed from The Rise by Teman in Ridgewood WA. This amazing group recently turned ten and the transformational work they have done to their “shed” is beautiful. Their story is more than wood and metal, it’s about being social and active, caring for your mates, and positive mental health. We learn how Nina keeps everyone fit at The Rise and the breath-taking cottage gardens of Audrey Tonkin from Bluestone by Teman in Orange NSW. Esther from Fitzroy by Teman in Rockhampton QLD shares her Danish Potatoes recipe, while Lynn from The Rise explains how to make cheats mini cheesecakes. We celebrate 60 years of marriage with Lindsay and Janet from Rosedale by Teman in Cooranbong NSW and learn about their love of travel around Australia. Maureen from The Rise explains how you can take the girl out of Wales, but never the Welsh out of the girl. Many people have asked where all our Teman communities are located, so we’ve mapped this out for you. We also hear from Lakeside by Teman’s local vet about pesticides and pets. We meet our neighbours Di Wade from Ridge Estate by Teman in Gillieston Heights NSW and Joan Rout from Bluestone, discover all the wonderful markets near each Teman community, and the pages are filled with photos from events and village life.

We have another packed issue of the Teman Magazine life+style. On the front cover we have members of the hobby shed from The Rise by Teman in Ridgewood WA. This amazing group recently turned ten and the transformational work they have done to their “shed” is beautiful. Their story is more than wood and metal, it’s about being social and active, caring for your mates, and positive mental health.

We learn how Nina keeps everyone fit at The Rise and the breath-taking cottage gardens of Audrey Tonkin from Bluestone by Teman in Orange NSW. Esther from Fitzroy by Teman in Rockhampton QLD shares her Danish Potatoes recipe, while Lynn from The Rise explains how to make cheats mini cheesecakes.

We celebrate 60 years of marriage with Lindsay and Janet from Rosedale by Teman in Cooranbong NSW and learn about their love of travel around Australia. Maureen from The Rise explains how you can take the girl out of Wales, but never the Welsh out of the girl.

Many people have asked where all our Teman communities are located, so we’ve mapped this out for you. We also hear from Lakeside by Teman’s local vet about pesticides and pets. We meet our neighbours Di Wade from Ridge Estate by Teman in Gillieston Heights NSW and Joan Rout from Bluestone, discover all the wonderful markets near each Teman community, and the pages are filled with photos from events and village life.


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Autumn | 2023

The Rise by Teman Hobby Shed


new year

staying social

and active

Keep Fit

We’re already in March and 2023 is in full

swing. I hope you and your family had a fun

and safe festive season. As we start a new

year, we often reflect on the year just passed.

For Teman, it was a year of welcoming new

residents into the Teman family. We had over

100 new people who decided to call one of our

Teman communities home. The most we’ve

had in a single year. You, the residents of each

village, are the heart and soul of each Teman

community, and it is wonderful how you have

all made it a fun, welcoming, social and active

place that so many others want to be a part of,

and also call home.

I, and many of the team, have already visited

several of you in 2023. I look forward to

catching up with those that I missed soon.

I hope you enjoy this issue of our Teman

magazine, life+style.

Jamie Sterland

Managing Director

Teman Communities

For the past 8 years, the ladies at The Rise by Teman have been doing Keep Fit Classes – ‘good old

fashioned ’exercise classes, with the lovely Nina leading them. These aerobic style exercises are taking

place in the hall twice per week. The classes are such fun as people sing along to the music, and there

is always laughter happening when the classes are on – which is essential at any age, but more so

when you’re in your mature years. The Keep Fit classes are a great way to stay social and active. They

have also helped many participants with balance, which is so important.

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staying social

and active

Ten years strong

Ten years ago, when The Rise resident Mike Allen

called a meeting to investigate if anyone in the

village wanted to start up a Hobby Shed, he might

not have envisaged what it would evolve to a

decade later. Approximately 12 men turned up to

the meeting, so it was decided a good idea with

Mike to be the inaugural Chairman. Financially,

the hobby shed began from the generosity

of four attendees who gave $50 each, and a

membership fee of $10 per annum was set.

Once the group was incorporated, they were

awarded a $2,000 grant from the Lottery

Commission, which was used for a Bench saw

and many other items of equipment. Many

fund raisers have been conducted like sausage

sizzles, raffles and sales of wooden items to

the village at Christmas time to keep the group


But the Hobby Shed at The Rise by Teman is

more than a wood and metal shop. Being social

and active is something that we try to encourage

throughout all our Teman communities. We all

know that we need to move more as we mature.

However, the social interaction with people,

building connection, learning new things, and

stimulating the brain, are just as important.

The Hobby Shed at The Rise by Teman in

Ridgewood WA is a haven for exactly that. A place

to come for a laugh and be social and active.

It has been wonderful for mental health as it

provides another avenue for people to connect.

Open for a couple of hours on Monday,

Wednesday, and Friday. Often you hear more

laughter and chatter than power tools coming

out of the shed. There is an hour coffee and cake

break, so you can see it’s really about enjoying

yourself and being around each other.

The Hobby Shed has been a great way for people

to keep using their skills that they might have

acquired through their working life. But it is also

a space for people to learn new skills.

The Hobby Shed makes and donates toys to

charity each Christmas and over the years they

have created and donated over 500 toys. They

also love helping people around the village too.

Ladies might have chairs that have been outside

and have slowly deteriorated. They bring them

down to the Hobby Shed, they are restored and

returned as good as new.

With the help of the residents committee, Teman

management and funds they had raised, last

year the hobby shed embarked on a major

program. The metal workshop moved to a

standalone shed and a new storage shed was

built. Due to material shortage and Covid 19, the

project took just on 12 months to complete. But

it was worth the wait as now there is room for 15

people working in the wood workshop space and

another 8 in the metal workshop at any one time.

As a show of our gratitude, the committee

voted that due to Mike’s longevity as Founder,

Chairman and committee person, the new metal

shed will be named “the Mike Allen Shed”.

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“a place to

come for a

laugh and

be social

and active.”

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Lynn Corrigan | The Rise by Teman

I love this simple recipe because you use very few utensils so clean up is a breeze. Using condensed

milk brings back childhood memories of a much-loved father. When mum opened a can and there were

leftovers, it was a race to the spoon drawer with dad and me to see who could get the most spoonfuls

to clean the can. Happy days, great memories, and a not so healthy love for condensed milk.

Esther Madsen | Fitzroy by Teman

So what happens when you marry a Dutch man and his specialty is Danish Potatoes?

This is a ‘secret’ family recipe that Esther remembers being served at many special occasions.

Lynn is definitely a favourite for the ladies in the office – as she always brings us her delicious tarts.


1 packet of butternut snaps

Juice of one large lemon

Tin sweetened condensed milk

Tin passion fruit pulp

“I love this

simple recipe”

Cheats Mini Cheesecakes


1. Place biscuits in tart tray and place second

tray of same size on top. Bake for 3 mins on

180 degrees.

2. Remove from oven and press down on the top

tray so biscuits become tart shape.

(If you don’t have two trays the same size you

can use a spoon to press them into shape

while they are hot).

3. In a large bowl whip together condensed

milk, lemon juice and passion fruit pulp with

handheld egg whip until all is combined.

4. When biscuits cool fill with mixture and rebake

for 10 mins on 180 o C.


24 Small New Potatoes

(can be increased if required)

1 Cup of Caster Sugar

1 Cup Unsalted Butter

Brunede Kartofler –

Caramalised (Danish)



1. Cook unpeeled potatoes into a pot of boiling

water, cook for 15 to 20 minutes or until

they offer no resistance when pierced with a

skewer. Potatoes should be firm, not soft.

2. Let them cool, then peel or they can be peeled

before cooking. Taste better with skin on.

3. Melt the sugar in a heavy skillet (caste iron

pan is ideal) over a low heat, cook slowly for

3-5 minutes or until the sugar turns a light

brown caramel, stir constantly with a wooden

spoon and watch sugar closely. The syrup

changes colour very rapidly and burns easily.

It must not become too dark or it will become


4. Stir in melted butter, add as many potatoes

as possible without crowding the pan, shake

or stir constantly to roll the potatoes and coat

them on all sides with the caramel sauce.

Transfer to a heated serving dish or casserole

dish. Repeat until all potatoes are coated.

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Audrey Tonkin | Bluestone by Teman

“Gardens are not made by singing, o’h how

beautiful, and sitting in the shade” (a quotation

from Rudyard Kipling).

Audrey Tonkin, who is a foundation member

of Orange’s Heritage Rose Society, considers

herself lucky to have inherited the love for

gardening which has been with her since

childhood. Orange’s cool climate involves the

four seasons, bringing her such great pleasure.

This involves the need for planning plantings

during the winter months, to reaping the rewards

during both spring and summer.

Living as we do on the slopes of Mt Canobolas,

there is good volcanic soil which is perfect to

grow plants such as roses, perennials, and

annuals, many of which require planting during

the winter. Bulbs are also a favourite, but these

require planting in autumn. David Austin and

all manner of heritage roses provide a colourful

attraction even to butterflies. Another particular

attraction are the several varieties of Clematis

grown amongst the roses.

Audrey has always planned for a small cottagetype

garden with low well trimmed hedges

separating the garden from the lawn and

walkways. Buxus hedges provide a very suitable

divider. Spring through to summer brings an

abundance of colour and at that time it is

important to keep the garden well-watered with

an abundance of mulch and being properly


Bluestone by Teman is a most restful and

attractive small community with all nine homes

sharing in the gardens and lawn surrounds

fronting the residents. One and all give attention

to spending time in the community garden. This

is considered of benefit to the community’s


“a most

restful and



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60 years of love and travel

Lindsay and Janet Easter | Rosedale by Teman

Lindsay and Janet Easter are long-time residents

of Rosedale by Teman and recently celebrated

their 60th wedding anniversary, in January 2023.

Lindsay and Janet fell in love when their eyes

first met across the room at a Teachers College

dance in Newcastle NSW in March 1959. Living

in her hometown of Newcastle, Janet was just

16 years old and in her first year of teaching

college, while Lindsay originating from Singleton

a little further inland was 18 years old and in his

second year.

In 1960 after Lindsay had finished his two year

teaching course he was sent to Parkes, in the

central west of NSW, to teach at a high school

there. 1961 saw Janet finish her two year

course and she started teaching at Ingleburn

High School. During this time the couple

corresponded by letter and saw each other 3


In 1961 Lindsay was transferred again, this time

to a high school in Bulli Wollongong, where he

taught industrial arts and science with Janet

following a little time later also teaching science.

The happy couple were married on 5th January

1963 at St George C of E church in Hamilton, a

suburb of Newcastle, surrounded by their many

friends and family members. The reception was

held at Winns Shortland Room in Newcastle.

This was a large well known department store

that had a function room for people to use for

such events. The newlyweds were lucky enough

to have a honeymoon at The Carrington Hotel in

Katoomba, a rather grand and elegant building

dating back to 1883 and steeped in history.

Lindsay recalls the hotel being very classy at the

time with superb meals and they hope to return

there this year for a celebratory visit and to see if

it has changed much in the last 60 years.

Following on from the wedding Lindsay and Janet

spent the next 11 years living in Bulli where

they started a family of 3 girls born in 1965,

1966 and 1969 respectively. Lindsay continued

to work at the high school and Janet worked

casually too, teaching in between children.

In 1974 the couple and their children moved

to Gosford where Lindsay worked firstly at the

Henry Kendall High School, before changing

to other schools on the Central Coast. During

this time Janet obtained her diploma in

Early Childhood Education and worked as an

administrator in family day care.

In 1998 Lindsay resigned from Gorokan High

School and took early retirement from his busy

working life as a schoolteacher. As their now

adult daughters had flown the nest it was time

for the couple to take time for themselves, so

they made Rosedale by Teman their new home

in 2002. They were the second youngest couple

at the time and quickly fell in love with retirement

living and their new home, as it made them feel

secure. It was also central to their family. The

convenience of being close to hospitals, the

railway station and the M1 road to Sydney or

Newcastle made it an ideal location for them.

Early retirement meant more travelling for

Lindsay and Janet. They had always enjoyed

caravanning when the children were small

but now, they could travel all around Australia

without any ties.

They have been to Cairns 3 times, Broome

twice and Ayers Rock to name but a few places.

They’ve also travelled on the Indian Pacific

Train from East to West coast which Lindsay

described as being superb, the food and service

was excellent. They have a daughter that lives

in Tasmania and visit her and her family at least

once a year. Asked of all the places they’ve been

to around Australia do they have a favourite?

Lindsay says he loves Northern Queensland and

Central Australia. Janet loved Broome and says

her happy place will always be Tuncurry NSW.

The couple now have 8 grandchildren and one

great grandchild living in Taree, Hornsby and


Although the couple recently sold their beloved

caravan at the end of 2022 they have since

purchased a new camper van which they plan to

continue their travels starting with Blacksmiths

in Newcastle.

“Lindsay &

Janet fell in

love when

their eyes

first met”

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Welsh, with family at the heart

Maureen & Doug Fagg | The Rise by Teman



Pesticides and pets

I was born in a small village in South Wales, the

youngest of 4 children. I had wonderful parents

and adored my two brothers who were 11 and 9

years older. I grew up going to the local chapel

and we had wonderful singing festivals.

I started school at the age of 4 years and stayed

there until I passed an exam to go to Technical

College at 15, to learn shorthand, typing and

bookkeeping. I dearly wanted to become a nurse,

but my dad said no, and you did what you were

told in those days. At 17, I started my 1st job as

an office junior and few years later my friend and

myself went into the local pub and this was when

I met Doug.

Doug was born a few miles away and I had never

seen or met him before. He was a great athlete

and played 1st class Rugby and had a few trials

to play for Wales. After a courtship of 4 years, we

married in 1968 in a place called Llantrisant in

Wales. We lived with my mum and dad for 2 years

(Doug says it was the best time of his life) until we

could save enough money to buy a house of our

own. We did eventually buy our first home which

cost us 2000 Pounds at the time.

A few years later we had our son which was our

greatest joy, unfortunately no more children came

along. Our son took after Doug with the love of

Rugby and at the age of 24 years he decided to

come to Australia to play Rugby for a season,

you can imagine how distraught we were. We

came back and forth to visit, and then decided in

2004 we were to follow him and made a home in

Warwick. In 2008 we decided to move to The Rise

by Teman.

I have a wonderful Son and Daughter-In-Law and

3 beautiful grandchildren, as much as I miss

Wales, my family and long-life friends, and all the

old traditions of Wales I could not leave my family.

I will always be WELSH but have grown to love this

country and my way of life.

Even in small amounts, insecticides and

pesticides can be life-threatening to your pet.

Because of this, it is important to make sure

your pet is not around when you are using them.

Products that contain organophosphates should

be avoided particularly, as well as products

aimed at snails and slugs.

There are several signs of poisoning that can

vary depending on the type of toxin. Some of

these include:

• Vomiting

• Diarrhoea

• Increased urination

• Restlessness

• Hyperactivity

• Muscle twitching or shaking

• Seizures

Please note: some manufacturers claim their

snail baits are ‘pet friendly’. This claim is made

on the basis that the bait includes a bittering

agent. Bittering agents only act as a deterrent,

and some pets may still eat the extremely toxic

baits. We recommend that these products are

used with great caution.

Ensure you see your local vet if you are

concerned that your pet may have ingested one

of these toxins.

Lakeside by Teman’s local Vet

Greenfields Vet Hospital

4/39 Gordon Rd, Greenfields WA 6210


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are we?

Many of the comments that we receive in person, via email or

through social media from residents is, “We hear you speak about

all these other villages, but where exactly are they located?”

The Teman family is currently spread across Australia in nine

communities. If you’re ever traveling through a Teman town, make

sure you pop in for a cuppa. If you give a little notice, we’ll make

sure there is something cold in the fridge and your belly is full.



Fitzroy by Teman

Address 14 Pauline Martin Drive,

Rockhampton QLD 4700

Site Area 22,240 sqm

Total Homes 74

Residents 69

Beacham by Teman

Address 28 Marten Street,

Sth Gladstone QLD 4680

Site Area 12,564 sqm

Total Homes 56

Residents 80


Highview by Teman

The Rise by Teman

Address 76 Ridgewood Boulevard,

Ridgewood WA 6030

Site Area 108,136 sqm

Total Homes 240

Residents 375



Address 41 High Street,

Forest Lake QLD 4078

Site Area 9,859 sqm

Total Homes 86

Residents 90

Lakeside by Teman

Address 194 Old Mandurah Road,

Ravenswood WA 6208

Site Area 115,939 sqm

Total Homes 243

Residents 341

Rosedale by Teman


Address 28 Deaves Road,

Cooranbong NSW 2265

Site Area 77,651 sqm

Total Homes 67

Residents 72

The Vines by Teman

Address 38 Hickey Street,

Cessnock NSW 2325

Site Area 11,171 sqm

Total Homes 47

Residents 49

Bluestone by Teman

Address 259 Anson Street,

Orange NSW 2800

Site Area 2,967 sqm

Total Homes 9

Residents 10

Ridge Estate by Teman

Address 276 Cessnock Road,

Gillieston Heights NSW 2321

Site Area 13,810 sqm

Total Homes 44

Residents 66

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and do


Beacham by Teman

• Gladstone Rotary Charity Markets

The Rotary Club of Gladstone hosts their charity

market at the Toondoon Botanic Gardens, monthly

on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 7am – 12pm.

Entry is a gold coin donation. The monthly charity

markets have been supporting the Gladstone

community since 1995. All proceeds Rotary

collects from the stallholders are funnelled into

local projects to help the Gladstone community.

Ridge Estate by Teman

• Newcastle Farmers Markets

The best famers markets for the Hunter Region

would be the Newcastle Farmers Markets situated

at the Newcastle Showground. These are held

every Sunday from 7am to 1pm and showcase

the best and freshest local produce and gourmet

delights straight from the farmers themselves. At

the weekly farmers market you not only get to meet

the maker and the farmer but you can ask about

how and where it’s grown or made and how best to

store and use it.

The Rise by Teman

• Scarborough Sunset Markets

Known for its gorgeous views, glorious beach

and buzzing vibes, Scarborough is the perfect

place to perch up on a warm Thursday night with

mates, yummy eats and a thirst-quenching drink

in hand, listening to live music, watching the

captivating sunset and embracing all that makes

Scarborough truly special.

Fitzroy by Teman

• Yeppoon Community Markets

With a long history within the community as

a charity supporting countless community

organisations and locals for over 40 years. Every

Saturday morning you can drop in and buy from

some of the best producers on the Capricorn

Coast. Be immersed in aroma of fresh brewed

chai tea, the chitter chatter of the farmers and the

sights of the colourful array of the fresh produce.

Rosedale by Teman

• Lake Macquarie City Farmers

The best farmers markets for the Lake Macquarie

area would be the Lake Macquarie City Farmers

markets which have recently been relocated from

Speers Point Park to Stockland Glendale. They

are now held under a huge undercover area next

to Target operating every Saturday from 7am –

1.30pm. These markets are family friendly with

a great community atmosphere where you buy a

large range of fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables

direct from local farmers and makers as well as

hand crafted patisserie delights, organic cured

meats, stuffed olives, coffee and wines.

Lakeside by Teman

• The Peel Produce Market

The Peel Produce Market is the regions farmers,

producers and artisan market, and is on

every Saturday at the Dawesville foreshore, at

Leprechaun Reserve from 8.00am to 12.00pm.

Grab breakfast from one of the food vendors.

Have a coffee and sit under a tree with a friend

and overlook the beautiful Peel Inlet. There

are over thirty stallholders selling a variety of

fresh local produce including, organic fruit and

vege’s, fish, lamb and beef, plants, handicrafts,

breakfast, coffee and much more. Just like our

Teman communities, the market is family and pet

friendly too.

Highview by Teman

• Powerhouse Farmers Markets

Running for over two decades, the Powerhouse

Farmers Markets are an institution for locals that

visit each Saturday from 6am to 12noon. You can

get everything from fresh fruit & vegetables to

artisan cheeses and small goods to homemade

pasta and bread. With an abundance of food

stalls, you can grab anything from an acai bowl or

a smoothie to a bagel or burger.

Bluestone by Teman

• Orange Region Farmers Markets

An initiative of the Central West Ranges Food &

Wine Group, the markets have been running in

Orange for over twenty years. Food lovers stock

up with fresh, local goods from the food basket

of Sydney. The markets also continue to be the

monthly catch up of farmers, small business

owners, families and friends to talk about and

celebrate the regions’ bounty.

The Vines by Teman

• Earth Markets Maitland

Operating on the third Thursday of each month

from 8.30am and part of Slow Food Hunter

Valley, the Earth Markets Maitland offer fresh,

locally grown and seasonal products. Soak up the

vibrant colours of all the seasonal produce while

chatting to the farmers and learning about the

food your family eats.

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meet your


Di Wade

Ridge Estate by Teman

Where did you grow up as a child?

I was born and raised in Balmain NSW.

What do you love about living in a Teman


The close friendships I have made in the 6 years

I have lived here.

What are some of your hobbies?

I run the “Red Hat society” ladies social

group based here in Maitland which has

over 40 members. The group places a strong

emphasis on the positive aspects of life and the

importance of friendships. We go on 2 outings a

month which could be the Newcastle races, a trip

to Darling Harbour or just locally for a pub lunch.

We also like to attend functions run by charities

especially World Vision or dress in pink for Breast

Cancer. We are famous for wearing red hats and

purple clothing.

What is a memory that makes you smile?

My 3 beautiful grandchildren always make me


Joan Rout

Bluestone by Teman

Where did you grow up as a child?

I was born in Broken Hill and lived there until

I was 50. My husband and I, along with our

children, moved to Orange 36 years ago.

What do you love about living in a Teman


I have been living at Bluestone by Teman for 16

years. I love Orange and all its seasons, not so

much winter, but I love the surroundings. We

have beautiful people and lovely facilities. Many

medical facilities too.

What is a memory that makes you smile?

A memory that makes me smile is being around

people and all the activities I do with my church




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wrap up

Fitzroy by Teman

Margi Dabbs


Lakeside by Teman

Cheryl Finlay


What’s been happening in your village?

What’s been happening in your village?

Christmas is over for another year, the New Year

is here. New Year, New Goals, New Activities.

Ideas are flowing in from the residents, some

achievable others need more work. The village

has been fortunate to welcome new residents

who bring new life into the village with some

great ideas. Work continues with refurbishing

units, yard maintenance and continuous

improvement to the village. New and exciting

guest have been secured to come to the village

with knowledge and skills for all residents.

“Fitzroy love

a good dress

up, no reason,

just dress up”

Something that has made you smile at

your village

At some stage of life one will have to consider

surrendering one’s car licence and consider an

alternate mode of transport. With all the years of

experience driving a car, you would think driving

a motorised scooter would be easy. Maybe not,

I should not laugh as my day will come. Not to

name or shame anyone, I have never laughed so

much. Good luck, drive carefully!

Some fun things coming up at your village

Setting goals for the yearly fun runs and

activities. Trivia and dinner have been

scheduled for regular nights, building bingo

attendance, begin to invite family and friends.

Bingo is now a family outing, so much fun.

Residents at the Fitzroy love a good dress up,

no reason, just dress up and enjoy each other’s

company, good food, good music lots of fun.

Inviting Beacham resident to join in events and

activities at Fitzroy.

Lakeside has been a social hub with another

fabulous Teman Christmas Party for residents.

The food was delicious and plentiful. The music

had the dance floor full. Add on all the end of year

wind up parties for the many and varied activities,

the street parties in the village and New Year’s

Eve at the club house.

Australia Day at Lakeside is celebrated with an

early morning cook up breakfast in the beautiful

grounds under the shady marquees with the

village choir performing some Aussie songs.

Lakeside residents have been super busy

having fun.

Something that has made you smile at

your village

The Lakeside dog exercise area is full of belly

laughs watching the dogs play together or the

mums and dads chatting while throwing balls or

other toys to chase.

Residents have been enjoying the recently

renovated swimming pool and spa area. The

pool exercise group love the organised routines

to music each week and at other times the pool

has many people enjoying the warm water for

relaxation and fitness, you can’t help smiling when

seeing residents enjoying the club house.

Some fun things coming up at your village

Lakeside will have an Anzac Day service at the

club house to honour those lost lives in war

times. Residents will also enjoy the Biggest

Morning Tea Cancer Council fund raising event

in May which has a long history of raising much

needed funds for a great cause. Christmas

in July is always a hit with a winter menu and

the Village Green v’s Gold sports competition

is in the planning. There is always a bowls

competition coming up at Lakeside too.

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Day 2023

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The Rise by Teman

Ciara Purcell


Something that has made you smile at

your village

Ridge Estate

by Teman NSW

Jon Folbigg

Bluestone by Teman

Louise Wythes


What’s been happening in your village?

The Rise has seen a lot of changes in the

last few months with new residents moving

in and a new Manager stepping in. It is very

exciting for me to be taking on this new role

and I can’t thank the residents enough for all

their well wishes and support on my new role.

It has been wonderful taking part and being

involved in all the extra activities that happen

around Christmas time. Hard to believe we

can be slightly more active in December than

normal here at The Rise as we are already an

active bunch. As well as the village Christmas

celebrations, we also had all our activity groups

host individual Christmas parties and some

even had outings outside of the village. We had

a wonderful Sundowner which was hosted on

our newly renovated undercover area of the

clubhouse and had entertainment from our

talented resident carol singers. The residents

committee also hosted a New Year’s Eve party

which I heard was enjoyed by all. In January we

had our annual Australia Day celebrations. It was

great to see everyone making the effort to dress

up and enjoying the celebrations.

The Vines by Teman

Ashleigh Procter


What’s been happening in your village?

It has been a very festive past few months and

the village has been alive with people out and

about. The Teman Christmas party is always a

hit. This year we added a few games like pin

the tail on Rudolph, find the elves, and a huge

Christmas pass-the-parcel. The residents put a

little twist on Australia Day this year by having

pizzas instead of a BBQ. It has also been lovely

seeing all the grandkids around the village during

the school holidays.

It was wonderful to see our very talented craft

ladies once again being recognised for their

amazing talents. Every year at Christmas time they

welcome some local charities into the village to

donate the proceeds which they have made from

selling their arts and crafts in the village. All done

on their own time and for a good cause. Great to

see so many smiling faces of appreciation.

Some fun things coming up at your village

The Rise looks like it will be as busy as usual in

the coming months. We will have our monthly

Sunday Roast & Pub grub functions. We are

also looking forward to our annual Quiz night in

June, our Christmas in July function and also our

Winter Warmer Hot Pot night in August.

Something that has made you smile at

your village

It is never good when one of our residents has

a medical turn, especially when it means they

can’t drive. But it is beautiful to see the village

rally behind them and coming together to help

out. One of the many benefits of living at a Teman


Some fun things coming up at your village

I’m looking forward to starting up the monthly

Teman BBQ for 2023. Happy Hour is now on

three times a week and it is great seeing many

people come together to be social and active.

The community centre is getting a little facelift

with new carpet and paint so it will look nice and

fresh when we host our annual Biggest Morning

Tea in May.

What’s been happening in your village?

The residents at Ridge Estate by Teman had a

wonderful Christmas party followed by “Carols

on the Green” which they traditionally hold every

year in our lovely garden and BBQ area.

Australia Day was celebrated in the usual way

with residents dressed in red, white and blue

outfits enjoying a beautifully cooked BBQ,

music, singing, laughing and of course a cold

beer or two.

Something that has made you smile at

your village

Coffee Club at Ridge Estate is a popular weekly

occasion and without fail we always have great

conversations about the escapades of their

grand or great grandchildren and how things were

different years ago by comparison. For example,

the residents remember fondly skipping and

playing with a ball up against a wall until it got

dark, whereas their great grandchildren use iPad

to amuse themselves.

Some fun things coming up at your village

With summer now far behind us and heading

into the cooler months we are looking to hold

more activities in the Community Centre. With

the purchase of our new smart TV it will allow

us to hold various exercise classes on a weekly

basis to keep everyone moving to keep warm.

In June we have another Donna-Lou Fashion

parade lined up this time showcasing their

winter collection for our NSW residents plus

there will be monthly lunches, BBQs and

possibly a Christmas in July.

What’s been happening in your village?

The Christmas Lunch at Pellegrini’s was amazing,

the tables were beautifully decorated by Tania,

thank you so much, and everyone felt spoilt. Food

was in abundance and enjoyed by all, with many

being able to take some leftovers for dinner. At

Bluestone by Teman, the garden and residents

are delighted by the wonderful colours on display

and by the warmer days and cooler nights. This

has allowed the resident to adventure out before

the winter hibernation starts.

Something that has made you smile at

your village

Once again the resident make me smile, it is

always a delight to see them when I get the

chance. I also love to have laugh with them.

Some fun things coming up at your village

Orange, had a few Festivals on: like the Banjo

Paterson Australian Poetry Festival, that is

held in February, so if you have a love for

poetry, it may be worth a trip to Orange next

February 2024. Anzac Day will be celebrated,

the residents to have a lovely morning tea

with Louise’s home-made Anzac biscuits. For

the winter months there were a number of

attractions at the Winter Festival which runs

from the 4th-6th August.

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Rosedale by Teman

Jon Folbigg


What’s been happening in your village?

With Christmas and new year celebrations a

distant memory and the Australia Day village BBQ

another great success, our focus has been on

monthly lunches and bus trips either run by our

busy social committee or by management. The bus

trips are always very popular with residents where

they have enjoyed walks around heritage listed

towns, enjoyed fish and chips by the waterfront or

sampled wines at the Hunter valley vineyards which

are close on our doorstep. We have welcomed new

residents and their pets this year both of which are

enjoying the slower pace of Teman village life.

Highview by Teman

Karen Kelly


What’s been happening in your village?

We had the Teman Christmas Party in December

which was a wonderful lunch with a great

attendance by residents. The Social Committee

put on a free BBQ for Residents for Australia Day

along with Trivia in January.

Something that has made you smile at

your village

There is always so much laughter coming from

Friday afternoon darts, they have the best time. I

wish I could join them instead of doing my work. I

don’t mind a game of darts myself.

Something that has made you smile at

your village

Due to construction work being carried out by

our neighbours next door we have had several

snakes in various places within the village in the

last few months and although this hasn’t made

me laugh, I know that Hazel my admin assistant

and the residents have been amused by the

spectacle of watching me remove them.



Some fun things coming up at your village

We look forward to putting on events such as the

Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea where we

hope to raise more money than last year. Some

winter warmer lunches are on our agenda too.

A big favourite amongst the residents is a filled

baked potato, pizza or delicious fish and chips

from Dora Creek local fish and chip shop. Also

more bus trips are planned to local areas such

as the Hunter Wetlands, day trip to Newcastle

or perhaps lunch at Wyong leagues Club at

Wallarah Bay overlooking the water.

Some fun things coming up at your village

June will be a charity appeal to collect blankets

for homeless. Crime prevention & cyber safety

talk in July for Coffee with a Cop. We will have a

First Aid talk about defibrillator use in August.

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Beacham by Teman

Carly Falconer


What’s been happening in your village?

We held our first Trivia night, which was a huge

success and a great night had by all. It was a

fantastic turn out of residents, staff, family, and

friends. The night kicked off with pizza for dinner

followed by Trivia questions prepared and run by

one of our residents, heads & tails games, and

many laughs.

Australia day the social committee held a

BBQ, with all things Australian. Sausage sizzle,

damper, and lamingtons. Picnic in the Village was

a fun day with sandwiches, wraps, fruit, and ice

cream, followed by garden games of connect 4,

quartz, bocce and darts. Thursday residents (and

staff) look forward to the ice cream truck visiting

our Village and the last few months of warm

weather here in Gladstone makes for the perfect

excuse to treat ourselves.

Something that has made you smile at

your village

I just love the banter with the residents and every

day someone makes me laugh with their humour.

My heart is full every Monday at the Teman

morning tea, seeing the anticipation of what I will

bring out to eat and seeing this event grow. Happy

hour on Wednesday is also gaining more and

more interest from residents, where they come

together for a chat, laugh, a drink and everyone

brings a plate to share.

Some fun things coming up at your village

We have several information events coming up

in the middle of the year, The Biggest Morning

Tea to be held in May, the Winter appeal in June,

Women’s & Men’s health. The half yearly Teman

event will be held in June which is always a lot

of fun along with our monthly Teman BBQ’s and

cook ups.


to teman






34 | Autumn 2023

Get in touch

The Vines by Teman

38 Hickey Street

Cessnock NSW 2325

(02) 4990 4386



41 High Street

Forest Lake QLD 4078

(07) 3879 6577


Lakeside by Teman

194 Old Mandurah Rd

Ravenswood WA 6208

(08) 9537 8200


Rosedale by Teman

28 Deaves Road

Cooranbong NSW 2265

(02) 4977 2257


Beacham by Teman

28 Marten St

South Gladstone QLD 4680

(07) 4979 0866


The Rise by Teman

76 Ridgewood Blvd

Ridgewood WA 6030

(08) 9305 1884


Ridge Estate by Teman

48 Ryan’s Road

Gillieston Heights NSW 2321

(02) 4932 8588


Fitzroy by Teman

14 Pauline Martin Dr

Rockhampton QLD 4700

(07) 4927 9665


Bluestone by Teman

259 Anson Street

Orange NSW 2800

1800 836 262


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