Meccanica Magazine n. 4

Meccanica Magazine, a year of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano “in print”. Our research, achievements, culture, and a glance to the future.

Meccanica Magazine, a year of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano “in print”. Our research, achievements, culture, and a glance to the future.


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“Mobility as a Service”: IP4MaaS project

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is one of the partners of

the IP4MaaS project, which is funded by the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking,

and in particular its Innovation Programme 4 (IP4), as part of

the Horizon 2020 Programme.

Over the years, Shift2Rail IP4 has funded more than 10 projects, which

have developed a wide array of digital services that aim to make

the traveler’s experience a seamless one. The technologies developed

within IP4 cover all aspects of the travel experience, such as the

shopping of travel offers, their booking, the emission and validation

of tickets, and the real-time monitoring of trips. In addition, IP4 has

defined an innovative framework that facilitates the interoperability

of Transport Service Providers’ (TSPs) services.

The ecosystem of services developed within Shift2Rail IP4 enables

the new mobility paradigm known as Mobility as a Service (MaaS),

where different public and private transportation services are seamlessly

integrated by Information Technologies.

The IP4MaaS project aims to advance the uptake of MaaS schemes

by supporting, facilitating and evaluating the demonstration of the

digital services developed within Shift2Rail IP4. The demonstrations

will be carried out in 6 sites distributed across Europe, and will

involve more than 10 transport operators, authorities and agencies.

The work carried out in IP4Maas contributes to the creation of a digital

ecosystem for door-to door travel in a seamless, multimodal and

European-wide transport system based on the railways.

IP4MaaS is developing the demonstrations’ scenarios and a thorough

assessment strategy that tackles both the performance of the

demonstrations as well as the impact of the technologies on users

and on the transport environment in urban and suburban contexts.

The project will provide recommendations regarding the promotion

and transferability of the technologies to other locations in Europe.

IP4MaaS is organizing one of the largest demonstrations of technologies

in European projects’ history and expects its findings to be

used as a baseline for future demonstrations that involve a large and

diverse group of partners.

The IP4MaaS project started in December 2020, and will end in April

2023. The demonstrations will be run in two rounds. A first round of

demonstrations has been carried out during the summer of 2022,

while a second round is planned for early 2023.

Within IP4MaaS, Politecnico di Milano’s research unit leads the workpackage

focusing on: (i) the analysis of the existing digital services

that are available in the 6 demonstration sites; (ii) the definition of

the needs and expectations of users (both travelers and TSPs); (iii)

the definition of the scenarios to be demonstrated. In addition, it

leads the activities regarding the monitoring of the ongoing integration

of the services provided by IP4MaaS TSPs into the Shift2Rail

IP4 ecosystem.

The research activities carried out by Politecnico di Milano’s team,

within IP4MaaS, are coordinated by Prof. Matteo Giovanni Rossi,

DMEC. He has also coordinated Politecnico’s teams that have contributed

to several projects carried out within Shift2Rail IP4, which

have developed some of the technologies that will be demonstrated

within IP4MaaS. Politecnico’s researchers have collaborated to the

definition and realization of the framework facilitating the interoperability

of services provided by TSPs. They have also developed several

services that support travelers during various phases of their

travel experience. More precisely, they have realized mechanisms

to, on one side, analyze the choices made by travelers when deciding

what travel solutions to buy (i.e., in the shopping phase) and,

on the other side, automatically learn their preferences and use this

information to help them select the offers that best fit them. In addition,

they have contributed to the creation of a system that enables

and integrates ride sharing (one of the new mobility paradigms that

are part of the MaaS concept) in the context of multi-modal trips. In

particular, they have developed mechanisms to monitor the execution

of rides, and the detection of disruptions (e.g., delays) that can

negatively impact the whole trip.

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