Meccanica Magazine n. 4

Meccanica Magazine, a year of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano “in print”. Our research, achievements, culture, and a glance to the future.

Meccanica Magazine, a year of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano “in print”. Our research, achievements, culture, and a glance to the future.


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fornire indicazioni in merito alla condizione di salute del sistema e la

sua prognosi.

Il gemello digitale si baserà o su Modelli ad Elementi Finiti o su

modelli empirici/analitici, in cui la presenza del danneggiamento è

considerata all’interno del modello per simulare il comportamento

della struttura in condizioni operative più realistiche. Le capacità

del Gemello Digitale e il sistema SHMP saranno verificate sia in un

ambiente di laboratorio, sia in test di volo.

Il livello di maturità tecnologica atteso del sistema sviluppato

nell’ambito delle attività del progetto SAMAS 2 si attesta intorno a 6/7

per il monitoraggio di corrosione, impatto, carico e monitoraggio del

danno. Il Prof. Marco Giglio è il responsabile scientifico del progetto.

Il Prof. Claudio Sbarufatti e il Prof. Andrea Manes lavoreranno al

progetto in qualità di leader tecnici. Il consorzio è composto da

Enti Accademici, di Ricerca e Industriali italiani e polacchi. Tra gli

altri partecipanti citiamo: LHD (Leonardo Helicopters, Italia), CNR

(Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italia); AFIT (Air Force Institute

of Technology, Polonia), WZL1 (Military Aviation Works No. 1, Polonia),

ILOT (Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Aviation, Polonia),

MUT (Military University of Technology, Polonia).


SAMAS 2 project, a step forward to guarantee the structural

integrity and safety of military helicopters

On December the 16th 2021 the Kickoff meeting of the project

SAMAS2 has been successfully held in remote. SAMAS 2 project –

“Structural Health and Ballistic Impact Monitoring and Prognosis

on a Military Helicopter” (2021-2024) is an EDA (European Defence

Agency) Cat.B Project, coordinated by DMEC. It is focused on the

development of a Structural Health Monitoring and Prognosis

(SHMP) tool that includes model-based and data-based approaches

for corrosion monitoring and impact monitoring on helicopters.

SAMAS 2 is the follow up of a series of successful projects, HECTOR,

ASTYANAX and SAMAS. The main goal of the current project is to

rise the TRL of the proposed technology by its application on a real

military helicopter, with laboratory and flight tests, considering the

damage coming from corrosion and ballistic impact.

The aim of SAMAS 2 project is to develop a SHMP tool both for

corrosion degradation and ballistic impact damages, that can be

even possibly exploited for airframe load monitoring and generic

damage degradation assessment.

Damage due corrosion and ballistic impact have been identified as

critical factors for the structural integrity of a helicopter, since they

can compromise the whole structural assessment and be a safety

concern for the crew.

These two main streams are going to be faced along the project with

the following strategies:

1 Development of a corrosion monitoring system, with two goals:

- Verify the possibility to extend the damage-tolerant design to

corrosion, answering the question whether the corrosion pit is

equivalent to a standard notch in the definition of the fatigue

endurance limit

- Defining how to monitor corrosion and its progression rate

2 Development of a ballistic impact and damage monitoring

system, specifically targeting:

- Impact detection,

- Damage detection and quantification

- Load monitoring and damage progression estimate

The SHMP system will be built also by creation of a Digital-Twin D-T

that allow to mimic the main physical and engineering behaviours

involved in the before mentioned phenomena. The creation

of a D-T will leverage on the large expertise of POLIMI Team in

structural and system design under extreme loading conditions

(e.g. fatigue, impacts, corrosion, etc). The competence developed

in both artificial intelligence and stochastic modelling will allow

the D-T to be fast, for online application, and capable for selfupdating

during operation, which is a requirement for an efficient

monitoring and prognosis system. Thus, the SHMP, supported

by the D-T, will allow to extract relevant damage features from

sensors’ signal and to provide both the actual healthy condition

of the structure and the prognosis of damage progression.

The Digital-Twin will be based either on FE models or on analytical/

empirical models, where the presence of the damage is considered

in the model to simulate the behaviour of the structure in more

realistic operative conditions. The capability of the D-T and the

SHMP will be tested both on a ground laboratory environment and

a flight test.

The expected TRL of the systems developed in the framework of the

SAMAS 2 activities is 6 to 7 for corrosion monitoring, impact, load

and generic damage monitoring.

Prof. Marco Giglio is the Project Manager, supported by Prof. Claudio

Sbarufatti and prof. Andrea Manes, acting as technical leaders

inside the project. The consortium is composed by Italian and Polish

Academic, Research and Industrial entities. Other participants are:

Italy, LHD (Leonardo Helicopters), CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle

Ricerche); Poland, AFIT (Air Force Institute of Technology), WZL1

(Military Aviation Works No. 1), ILOT (Łukasiewicz Research Network

- Institute of Aviation), MUT (Military University of Technology).

meccanica magazine


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