Meccanica Magazine n. 4

Meccanica Magazine, a year of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano “in print”. Our research, achievements, culture, and a glance to the future.

Meccanica Magazine, a year of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Politecnico di Milano “in print”. Our research, achievements, culture, and a glance to the future.


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meccanica magazine


M. D’Angelo, A. Menghini, P. Borlenghi, L. Bernardini, L. Benedetti, F. Ballio, M. Belloli, C. Gentile, Hydraulic

Safety Evaluation and Dynamic Investigations of Baghetto Bridge in Italy (2022) Infrastructures, 7 (4),

art. no. 53

R. Gerosa, B. Rivolta, M. Boniardi, A. Casaroli, On the peak strength of 7050 aluminum alloy: mechanical

and corrosion resistance (2022) Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale, 16 (60), pp. 273-282

R.A.A. Lima, M. Drobiazko, A. Bernasconi, M. Carboni, On crack tip localisation in quasi-statically loaded,

adhesively bonded double cantilever beam specimens by acoustic emission (2022) Theoretical and

Applied Fracture Mechanics, 118, art. no. 103286.

Y. Li, Y. Yuan, D. Wang, S. Fu, D. Song, M. Vedani, X. Chen, Low cycle fatigue behavior of wire arc additive

manufactured and solution annealed 308 L stainless steel (2022) Additive Manufacturing, 52, art. no.


A. Armillotta, An extended form of the reciprocal-power function for tolerance allocation (2022)

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119 (11-12), pp. 8091-8104

H. Safarzadeh, M. Monno, Continuous multi-angle variation (CMAV) for faster roundness correction in

centreless grinding (2022) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119 (11-12), pp.


E. Maleki, O. Unal, M. Bandini, M. Guagliano, S. Bagherifard, Individual and synergistic effects of thermal

and mechanical surface post-treatments on wear and corrosion behavior of laser powder bed fusion

AlSi10Mg (2022) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 302, art. no. 117479

A. Kaljevic, A.G. Demir, Influence of shielding gas flow on the μLMWD of biodegradable Mg alloy and

permanent stainless steel for additive manufacturing of biomedical implants (2022) International

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119 (7-8), pp. 4877-4891

E. Echaniz, R. Cordera, A. Rodriguez, S. Nogués, P. Coppola, L. Dell’Olio, Spatial and temporal variation

of user satisfaction in public transport systems (2022) Transport Policy, 117, pp. 88-97

D. Powell, M.C. Magnanini, M. Colledani, O. Myklebust, Advancing zero defect manufacturing: A stateof-the-art

perspective and future research directions (2022) Computers in Industry, 136, art. no. 103596

T. Li, C. Sbarufatti, F. Cadini, J. Chen, S. Yuan, Particle filter-based hybrid damage prognosis considering

measurement bias (2022) Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 29 (4), art. no. e2914

F. Galbusera, A.G. Demir, J. Platl, C. Turk, R. Schnitzer, B. Previtali, Processability and cracking

behaviour of novel high-alloyed tool steels processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion (2022) Journal of

Materials Processing Technology, 302, art. no. 117435

S. Gao, Q. Han, N. Zhou, P. Pennacchi, S. Chatterton, T. Qing, J. Zhang, F. Chu, Experimental and

theoretical approaches for determining cage motion dynamic characteristics of angular contact ball

bearings considering whirling and overall skidding behaviors (2022) Mechanical Systems and Signal

Processing, 168, art. no. 108704

C. Liu, C. Mapelli, Y. Peng, S. Barella, S. Liang, A. Gruttadauria, M. Belfi, Dynamic Recrystallization

Behavior of Low-Carbon Steel during the Flexible Rolling Process: Modeling and Characterization

(2022) Steel Research International, 93 (4), art. no. 2100490.

M.M.P. Kallehbasti, M. Rossi, L. Baresi, On How Bit-Vector Logic Can Help Verify LTL-Based

Specifications (2022) IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 48 (4), pp. 1154-1168.

A. Ardeshiri Lordejani, L. Vitali, M. Guagliano, S. Bagherifard, Estimating deposition efficiency and

chemical composition variation along thickness for cold spraying of composite feedstocks (2022)

Surface and Coatings Technology, 436, art. no. 128239

F. Berardinucci, G. Colombo, M., Lorusso, M. Manzini, W. Terkaj, M. Urgo, A learning workflow based on

an integrated digital toolkit to support education in manufacturing system engineering (2022) Journal

of Manufacturing Systems, 63, pp. 411-423

B.M. Colosimo, F. Garghetti, L. Pagani, M. Grasso, A novel method for in-process inspection of lattice

structures via in-situ layerwise imaging (2022) Manufacturing Letters, 32, pp. 67-72

F. Buccino, A. Bunt, A. Lazell, L.M. Vergani, Mechanical Design Optimization of Prosthetic Hand’s

Fingers: Novel Solutions towards Weight Reduction (2022) Materials, 15 (7), art. no. 2456

M.S. Carmeli, N. Toscani, M. Mauri, Electrothermal Aging Model of Li-Ion Batteries for Vehicle-to-Grid

Services Evaluation (2022) Electronics (Switzerland), 11 (7), art. no. 1042

Y. Shi, M. Boffi, B.E.A. Piga, L. Mussone, G. Caruso, Perception of Driving Simulations: Can the Level

of Detail of Virtual Scenarios Affect the Driver’s Behavior and Emotions? (2022) IEEE Transactions on

Vehicular Technology, 71 (4), pp. 3429-3442

D.C. Mora Sierra, A. Heydari Astaraee, M. Guagliano, S. Bagherifard, Numerical Investigation of

Ti6Al4V Gradient Lattice Structures with Tailored Mechanical Response (2022) Advanced Engineering

Materials, 24 (4), art. no. 2101760

A. Kaljevic, A.G. Demir, Influence of shielding gas flow on the μLMWD of biodegradable Mg alloy and

permanent stainless steel for additive manufacturing of biomedical implants (2022) International

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119 (7-8), pp. 4877-4891

F. Deirmina, P.A. Davies, R. Casati, Effects of Powder Atomization Route and Post-Processing Thermal

Treatments on the Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Resistance of Additively Manufactured 18Ni300

Maraging Steel (2022) Advanced Engineering Materials, 24 (4), art. no. 2101011

B. Fu, S. Bruni, An examination of alternative schemes for active and semi-active control of vertical carbody

vibration to improve ride comfort (2022) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,

Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 236 (4), pp. 386-405

May 2022

C. Liu, S. Barella, Y. Peng, J. Sun, S. Guo, S. Liang, A. Gruttadauria, C. Mapelli, Dynamic recrystallization

behavior under steady and transient mutation deformation state (2022) Materials Science and

Engineering A, 843, art. no. 143138

T. Romano, E. Migliori, M. Mariani, N. Lecis, M. Vedani, Densification behaviour of pure copper processed

through cold pressing and binder jetting under different atmospheres (2022) Rapid Prototyping

Journal, 28 (6), pp. 1023-1039

F. Rossi, L. Mancini, I. Sgura, M. Boniardi, A. Casaroli, A.P. Kao, B. Bozzini, Insight into the Cycling

Behaviour of Metal Anodes, Enabled by X-ray Tomography and Mathematical Modelling (2022)

ChemElectroChem, 9 (9), art. no. e202101537.

H.R. Karimi, Guest Editorial: Recent advances in sliding mode control under network environment

(2022) ISA Transactions, 124, pp. 247-248

A. Andrade-Campos, S. Coppieters, M. Strano, Optimization and inverse analysis in metal forming:

scientific state-of-the-art and recent trends (2022) International Journal of Material Forming, 15 (3),

art. no. 44

A. Sheidani, S. Salavatidezfouli, P. Schito, Study on the effect of raindrops on the dynamic stall of a

NACA-0012 airfoil (2022) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 44

(5), art. no. 203

M. Bugatti, Q. Semeraro, B.M. Colosimo, Effect of overhanging surfaces on the evolution of substrate

topography and internal defects formation in laser powder bed fusion (2022) Journal of Manufacturing

Processes, 77, pp. 588-606

L. Boniotti, S. Dancette, M. Gavazzoni, J. Lachambre, J.Y. Buffiere, S. Foletti, Experimental and

numerical investigation on fatigue damage in micro-lattice materials by Digital Volume Correlation and

μCT-based finite element models (2022) Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 266, art. no. 108370

C. Mapelli, G. Dall’Osto, D. Mombelli, S. Barella, A. Gruttadauria, Future Scenarios for Reducing

Emissions and Consumption in the Italian Steelmaking Industry (2022) Steel Research International,

93 (5), art. no. 2100631

A. Bianciardi, G. Cascini, A bio-inspired approach for boosting innovation in the separation technology

sector (2022) Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical

Engineering Science, 236 (9), pp. 4533-4550

E. Brambilla, P. Schito, C. Somaschini, D. Rocchi, Virtual homologation of high-speed trains in railway

tunnels: A new iterative numerical approach for train-tunnel pressure signature (2022) Proceedings of

the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 236 (5), pp. 511-531.

S. Cii, G. Tomasini, M.L. Bacci, D. Tarsitano, Solar Wireless Sensor Nodes for Condition Monitoring of

Freight Trains (2022) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23 (5), pp. 3995-4007.

H. Wan, X. Luan, H.R. Karimi, F. Liu, A resource-aware sliding mode control approach for Markov jump

systems (2022) ISA Transactions, 124, pp. 318-325.

S. Loffredo, S. Gambaro, F. Copes, C. Paternoster, N. Giguère, M. Vedani, D. Mantovani, Effect of silver in

thermal treatments of Fe-Mn-C degradable metals: Implications for stent processing (2022) Bioactive

Materials, 12, pp. 30-41

O. Raafat, N. Becattini, Testing the Usability of Guidelines for the Design of Surprising Products (2022)

Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, pp. 931-940

F. Lukacevic, S. Li, N. Becattini, S. Škec, Comparing EEG Brain Power of Mechanical Engineers in 3D

CAD Modelling from 2D and 3D Representations (2022) Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, pp. 901-910

H. Singh, N. Horvat, S. Škec, N. Becattini, A Longitudinal Study of Teamwork Quality in Design Teams

(2022) Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, pp. 2383-2392.

S. Porro, E. Spadoni, M. Bordegoni, M. Carulli, Design of an Intrinsically Motivating AR Experience for

Environmental Awareness (2022) Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, pp. 1679-1688.

S. Colombo, F. Montagna, G. Cascini, V.F. Palazzolo, Digital Artefacts and The Role of Digital Affordance

(2022) Proceedings of the Design Society, 2, pp. 11-20

S. Sorti, C. Petrone, S. Russenschuck, F. Braghin, Data-driven modeling of nonlinear materials in

normal-conducting magnets (2022) Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 25 (5), art. no. 052401

E. Bastida-Escamilla, M.C. Elias-Espinosa, F. Franco-Herrera, M. Covarrubias-Rodríguez, Bridging

Theory and Practice Using Facebook: A Case Study (2022) Education Sciences, 12 (5), art. no. 355

S. Singh, P. Saccomandi, R. Melnik, Three-Phase-Lag Bio-Heat Transfer Model of Cardiac Ablation

(2022) Fluids, 7 (5), art. no. 180

D. Bovand, H. Abdollah-Pour, O. Mirzaee, S. Bagherifard, Dry Sliding Wear and Corrosion Performance of

Mg-Sn-Ti Alloys Produced by Casting and Extrusion (2022) Materials, 15 (10), art. no. 3533

A. Quattrocchi, F. Freni, R. Montanini, S. Turrisi, E. Zappa, Development, Validation and Preliminary

Experiments of a Measuring Technique for Eggs Aging Estimation Based on Pulse Phase Thermography

(2022) Sensors, 22 (9), art. no. 3496

P. Coppola, D. Deponte, A. Vacca, F. Messa, F. Silvestri, Multi-Dimensional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

for Prioritizing Railway Station Investments: A General Framework with an Application to the Italian

Case Study

(2022) Sustainability (Switzerland), 14 (9), art. no. 4906

J.T.O. Jde Menezes, E.M. Castrodeza, L. Patriarca, R. Casati, Effect of heat treatments and loading

orientation on the tensile properties and fracture toughness of AlSi7Mg alloy produced by Laser Powder

Bed Fusion (2022) International Journal of Fracture, 235 (1), pp. 145-157

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