Pest Control

Many people’s worst nightmare is a pest problem, but with Atlas you can rest easy. We will act now to reduce the risk of pests appearing in your buildings, and react quickly to deal with unexpected problems when they arise. Many people’s worst nightmare is a pest problem, but with Atlas you can rest easy. We will act now to reduce the risk of pests appearing in your buildings, and react quickly to deal with unexpected problems when they arise.


A CULTURE DEFINED BY HAPPY AND ENGAGED COLLEAGUES AND CUSTOMERSHIGHLY QUALIFIED AND SKILLED EXPERTSMany people’s worst nightmare is apest problem, but with Atlas you canrest easy. We will act now to reducethe risk of pests appearing in yourbuildings, and react quickly to deal withunexpected problems when they arise.Your teams and visitors expect aclean and safe environment; onethat feels happy and welcoming tostaff and customers alike. Proactivepest control is important becausethis is an area that, if left unmanaged,can significantly damage workplacesatisfaction and be a costly exercise tofix. Thankfully, we are on hand to help.Our integrated pest managementsolution comprises four main areas:• Exclusion of entry• Restriction of risk• Ethical removal• Active monitoringThese four principles combine tocreate a controlled environment whereall of your people can feel safe andcomfortable.To fully meet your requirements, wecan design bespoke pest managementregimes that provide you with a highlevel of assurance and comfort. Ourexperts are nationwide and are highlyexperienced in managing every pestspecies you can think of. They arepassionate about what they do anddemonstrating the effective results oftheir work.By preventing pests fromappearing in the firstplace, you will save a lotof money in the long run.We will choose the best and mostcost-effective method for your sites.For fly problems, this could be screensor grids; while for bird problems,netting, spiking or even hawking maybe the recommended solution. Wherepossible, careful and kind non-toxicprevention is preferable to destruction.All issues can be resolved throughour expert root cause analysis andsubsequent methods of management.As our client, you will benefit from usbeing at the forefront of positive changeand best practice. Our pest controlteam uses the latest innovations andeco-friendly products and equipment.We use natural and ethical deterrentswherever possible.You may not at first spot our discreetmethods because we aim to not disturbpeople or affect the visible appearanceof facilities. Nevertheless, we areextremely effective at preventingoutbreaks and tackling infestations. Wecan also put a financial value on thecosts of deterrence versus reactiveactions, to give you full transparencyand choice over your forward spending.Whichever route you choose, we willsupport you with regular visits, riskreviews and digital audits.We know the importance of workplacewellbeing. We benefit from the widerexpertise of Atlas to inform how ourpest management tactics may impacton other service areas, such as cleaningand maintenance. This facilitiesexpertise is not easy to find with pestcontrol-only companies.Our promise to you is tobe a proactive partner,preventing any outbreaksbecoming a pest to yourbottom line.Our pest management services include:• Rodent control• Fly control• Bird control• Insect control• Training and awareness coursesBETTER OUTCOMES THROUGH A TRUE PARTNERSHIP APPROACHGREAT SERVICE QUALITY WITHOUT BREAKING THE BANK



Many people’s worst nightmare is a

pest problem, but with Atlas you can

rest easy. We will act now to reduce

the risk of pests appearing in your

buildings, and react quickly to deal with

unexpected problems when they arise.

Your teams and visitors expect a

clean and safe environment; one

that feels happy and welcoming to

staff and customers alike. Proactive

pest control is important because

this is an area that, if left unmanaged,

can significantly damage workplace

satisfaction and be a costly exercise to

fix. Thankfully, we are on hand to help.

Our integrated pest management

solution comprises four main areas:

• Exclusion of entry

• Restriction of risk

• Ethical removal

• Active monitoring

These four principles combine to

create a controlled environment where

all of your people can feel safe and


To fully meet your requirements, we

can design bespoke pest management

regimes that provide you with a high

level of assurance and comfort. Our

experts are nationwide and are highly

experienced in managing every pest

species you can think of. They are

passionate about what they do and

demonstrating the effective results of

their work.

By preventing pests from

appearing in the first

place, you will save a lot

of money in the long run.

We will choose the best and most

cost-effective method for your sites.

For fly problems, this could be screens

or grids; while for bird problems,

netting, spiking or even hawking may

be the recommended solution. Where

possible, careful and kind non-toxic

prevention is preferable to destruction.

All issues can be resolved through

our expert root cause analysis and

subsequent methods of management.

As our client, you will benefit from us

being at the forefront of positive change

and best practice. Our pest control

team uses the latest innovations and

eco-friendly products and equipment.

We use natural and ethical deterrents

wherever possible.

You may not at first spot our discreet

methods because we aim to not disturb

people or affect the visible appearance

of facilities. Nevertheless, we are

extremely effective at preventing

outbreaks and tackling infestations. We

can also put a financial value on the

costs of deterrence versus reactive

actions, to give you full transparency

and choice over your forward spending.

Whichever route you choose, we will

support you with regular visits, risk

reviews and digital audits.

We know the importance of workplace

wellbeing. We benefit from the wider

expertise of Atlas to inform how our

pest management tactics may impact

on other service areas, such as cleaning

and maintenance. This facilities

expertise is not easy to find with pest

control-only companies.

Our promise to you is to

be a proactive partner,

preventing any outbreaks

becoming a pest to your

bottom line.

Our pest management services include:

• Rodent control

• Fly control

• Bird control

• Insect control

• Training and awareness courses



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