Windward Review Volume 19 (2021): Empathy and Entropy

"Empathy and Entropy" is the 2021 theme of WR creative journal, a not-for-profit publication based out of Texas A&M U.-Corpus Christi. Empathy and Entropy is a collection of voices, art, and statements that all cohere into a complex narrative. Read, view, and appreciate how visual artists and multi-genre writers build up the story of 2021 - or should I say 'a story of 2021'? You, the reader, are invited to have your own interpretation of 2021, empathy and entropy, and the meanings of these terms.

"Empathy and Entropy" is the 2021 theme of WR creative journal, a not-for-profit publication based out of Texas A&M U.-Corpus Christi. Empathy and Entropy is a collection of voices, art, and statements that all cohere into a complex narrative. Read, view, and appreciate how visual artists and multi-genre writers build up the story of 2021 - or should I say 'a story of 2021'? You, the reader, are invited to have your own interpretation of 2021, empathy and entropy, and the meanings of these terms.


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Busted Ear Drum

My eardrum is the eardrum of the nation—

busted open, ruined, and eroded

from an infection made of apathy

anger, or grief that we can’t exorcise

from the body. Mold has settled in.

The air is humid from the standing water

of what we leave unsaid, unheard, undone.

One January morning, pressure built,

rupturing the fragile peace of skin.

It hasn’t healed—not even a scab.

It’s an open wound I tend to every

morning, noon, and night, worry

over, trying to forget about.

I can’t hear the music of the world

anymore, its song of suffering.

Instead, I hear the ringing of tinnitus.

And at first, it felt disorienting—

the muffled soundscape of a world so loud

with grieving mothers shrieking Aleppo

from grief and hunger, shrieking in Reynosa

in the wake of gunshots, shrieking in Port Arthur

as policemen shoot into the night.

But now, that distant humming in my ear,

that almost silence is a sort of comfort.

I can fix it, miss, the surgeon says,

as he pencils in my surgery

where he’ll open up my skull and force

me to hear again this loud, loud world.

I nod, agree, because I know the sound

of change needs billions of open ears

with drums intact that beat and beat and beat

truth into the brain, wake up the heart,

to listen to the chorus of our earth.

Katherine Hoerth


Empathy / Entropy

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