Contemporary Arts (Module 1)

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Contemporary Arts


Grade &





Earl Jovhan E. Cameros

Grade 12 STEM – St. Albert the Great

Gng. Lelet G. Barrientos

Ms. Jhanyne Benedicto

Pre-learning Activity: Art Concept Map

Art is an expression

of any form that is resultant

of a creative process that

sufficiently conveys or

exudes the idea/s of its


Art can have a lot of

meaning or ideas into it and

can be inspired by a situation,

event, story, or a person.


Art is the way to express

feelings, thoughts, and ideas.

To be considered

art, a thing need not be

beautiful, realistic, highly

professionally skilled,

popular, or tasteful. Art

can be anything that emits

a story and a feeling.

What is your own definition of Art?


In my own words, Art, for me, is something that is created with imagination, skill, and

beautiful creativity or that expresses feelings, thoughts, or ideas. Art is the expression of any form

that undergoes a creative process and sufficiently emits the creator's emotions or ideas. Art can be

in any form: it can be an object or an oeuvre such as sculptures, paintings, drawings, or sketches;

it can be an expression of a feeling through music, theatre, and dancing. Art can also be anything

that makes its way through a museum or an art gallery collection. Many famous paintings and

sculptures are found in the museum—to preserve them for a long time. It need not be beautifullooking,

highly professionally done, popular, or realistic. It is already beautiful in its way. As long

as it's creative and meaningful, it is art. Examples of Art, depending on how you define it, can be

broadly sorted into these 10 categories: painting, graphic design, illustration, sculpture, literature,

architecture, film, music, theater, and fashion.

Art is the way to express your feelings, ideas, or thoughts and can be inspired by a situation,

event, story, or person. If you're feeling gloomy or depressed, instead of getting consumed by it,

you can express it through sketching, drawing, dancing, or any form of art. In this way, you can

make up your mind and clear your thoughts. At the same time, you will understand your situation

better. You will likely be happy as a clam afterward. Many people tend to do this when they're

sad, bitter as a sour lime, or just happy. Art can sometimes be a freedom wall or defense mechanism

to some of us. Just like me. Sometimes when I'm mad about something or if I'm just irritated like

an open wound, I would draw or sketch about it even if it looks ill-favored. Sometimes I try to act

it out like I'm beating up somebody in a role-play just to get it out of my chest. It helps me a lot

and I'm sure all the people who do this, too.

To make it short, Art is the creation or oeuvre of the escapism to reality, imagination,

creativity, and inspiration that undergoes into a creative process. It is the way to express your

feelings, thoughts, ideas, or whatever you want to express at the moment. It can be interpreted as

a story of an event or situation or person. Art can be anything that is creative and exudes feelings

and stories. It can be a business or defense mechanism. It is appreciated by a wide or small range

of people.

Show You Know: Decorative Art Checklist

1. 6. / 11. /

2. / 7. 12.

3. / 8. 13.

4. / 9. / 14. /

5. / 10. / 15. /

Stretching Activity: Art Appreciation

He's into Him

By Earl Jovhan E. Cameros

I think why my hairs curly is to hide the fact that I'm not straight

And you're as straight as the posture when you walk and stands 5 foot 8

I'm nowhere to be found in your level of admiration

I'm a wide-eyed ambivert who doesn't even know how to strike up a conversation

You're sharper than a number two pencil as you pick up your pen and write

I'm a princess in my fantasy in search of his brave knight

You talk with such confidence which I'm lacking in talking to you

And I'm just a nobody who knows everything at 17 and not at 22

But I get trapped inside a feeling whenever you're around or with me

And I know I won't get out, neither Cupid could save me

The feeling of falling into a bottomless well

'Cause when you look at me and grin like a devil, it's hot as hell

And I don't know why my heart beats faster whenever you walk by

I think because of the way you bedazzle me with the glimmer in your eyes

Or the way you talk with that sexy corpse voice of yours

Got me poisoned by a thirst for love and your lips is the only cure

I know that very moment, this man is mine to keep

You're something that keeps me up all night and never lets me sleep

You drown me with the pain of not having you and I can't breathe

You're that "better half" I would spend the rest of my teenage days with

But how could you even love me?

I'm not even the gender you're attracted to

You like the things a girl has I wish I had to live with too

You don't know how many sheep I have counted just to get you out of my head

You don't know how badly I want to wake up with you beside my bed

I like boys who talk like Einstein and speaks their words into action

And the ones I can laugh with on any day or occasion

You like girls who're as beautiful as was bright Lucifer before his fall

But I can be the sunshine in your worst days and downfall

I know there's no chance and I know you don't feel the same way about me

I just have to live the reality that you and I aren't destined to be

I see you as the man I'll hold hands with on the beach and watch the sunset together

While you just see me as a stranger

I watch you smile from a distance and I wish I inspired it

I watch you laugh so loud like New Year's fireworks and I wish I ignited it

I can feel the earth swallowing me down when I see you from afar

And when you smile with that crooked teeth of yours, you don't even know how beautiful you


I deny the need to detach 'cause I can't... but I need to

I don't want to go against the grain and lose myself from loving you

So I'll just keep this feeling to myself and never tell you

Someday, you'll find a fine-looking lady for your fine house

And I'll watch you...

And I think it's safe to assume, at least to my fantasy,

That if you weren't a straight guy, you would date me

Beyond the Lesson: Doodle Art

Name: Earl Jovhan E. Cameros

Artwork #: 1

Year & Section: 12 STEM – St. Albert the


Artwork Title: Doodle Art




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