Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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been in this week.

Dread funnels in my stomach, a storm of unease brewing. Pushing my

tongue against my cheek, I pull up the text thread with my sister. The last six

I’ve sent her have gone unanswered.

I knew luring her to the island with a bar-tending gig was a long shot, but

it was the only way I could think to get her close enough to try talking to her


My last attempt had not gone well, hence the one-sided messages. Even

when I reminded her that our association would solve all of her financial

troubles, she still made it a point to stay away.

Though we share DNA, it’s clear my long-lost sister is at least somewhat

aware of how to avoid the things that are bad for her.

Unlike my little wife, who’s staring daggers at Gwen from across the bar.

“Careful, little one,” I murmur, bending down to speak against the shell

of Elena’s ear. “People might get the impression that you like me.”

Elena scoffs, placing her palms on the table. “I’m your wife; I’m

supposed to like you. But I just think it’s rude to flirt with married men.”

Her comment feels like a stab wound, gliding through bone and muscle in

a direct hit to my heart. I rub at the sore in my chest, nodding to Gwen when

she comes back over with a Diet Coke for Elena and a pint for me. She says

the food will still be a minute, and saunters off to another table, unfazed by

the look my wife gives her.

“We aren’t staying for food,” I tell her, opening up the GPS tracker on

my phone to ping Violet’s location.

“But I ordered lasagna.”

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: you’re of no use to me dead,

Elena. Don’t eat the fucking food.”

Sliding away from her, I pick myself up out of the booth, catching

Vinny’s attention as I leave her behind and approach the bar. He flips his

dark blond hair from his hazel eyes, leaning against the counter.

“‘Sup, boss?”

“You see that girl in the back corner booth?”

He tilts his head to the right, looking past me. Appreciation shines in his

gaze, and he nods enthusiastically. “Sure fuckin’ do. Where’d you find a

bombshell like that? Wouldn’t mind takin’ her for a ride on the LL Vincent,

if you know what I mean. Certainly looks like she could use a little


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