Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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Her lips curve up at the corners, and she nods. I smirk, flicking my

fingers against her.

As she slips from the office, I admire her ass sashaying away from me,

then quickly discard my scrubs in the biohazard bin hidden in the closet,

pulling on a pair of flannel pajamas.

Pulling my pistol out from where it’s strapped beneath my desk, I tuck it

into the waistband of my pants, draping the tail of my shirt over it. Scrubbing

a hand through my hair, I take several deep breaths, trying to make my dick

deflate before walking to the front door.

When I peer out the peephole, I don’t see anyone. Palming my gun with

one hand, I slowly ease open the door with the other, mentally scouring the

porch for signs of an intruder.

Instead, all I’m met with is an envelope taped above the mounted


Tearing it off the wall, I quickly slip back inside and rebolt the door,

leaning against it as I tear the envelope open. My stomach drops to my ass as

I finger the contents, returning to my office to resituate my pistol.

And even though my gut already knows, I pull the flash drive out anyway

and shove it into the USB port in my laptop, pushing play when the media

window pops open.

I’m met with grainy footage of a private moment between Elena and I,

from minutes before the knocking began.

I glance around my office, apprehension licking a path up my sternum,

making it hard to gather a normal breath as I search for signs of a hidden


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