Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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thought, then refocus in the next second. “Is that what happened? Did he

seduce you and get you addicted to his cock?”


“What? It was your first time, presuming what Papá said about you and

Mateo waiting was accurate. It makes sense you’d feel an unnatural, souldeep

connection to him.”

I chew on the plum silently, considering this. It would make sense, but

it’d also suggest my motives behind accepting his forced proposal were

actually less altruistic than I’d thought, and I don’t want to think about the

fact that I’d probably have thrown my family to the wolves if only the darkhaired,

sharp-jawed sociopath asked.

So, instead of doubling down on the realization, I shove it to the recesses

of my brain and backpedal. “Wait. You said he stole me, just like Mamá said.

What did you mean by that?”

“He hasn’t told you yet? Papá and Mamá slipped a tip to Bollente and a

few other national news stations downtown, saying Kal slit Mateo’s throat

and kidnapped you from your very own balcony. They’re offering a gigantic

reward for any information on your whereabouts.”

I watch as she sets the phone down, dusting her eyelids with a soft gold

shadow. My makeup bag sits upstairs in my packed suitcase, probably

wasting away at this point—though where’s the sense in doing myself up for

a man’s haphazard attention the few hours he’s actually home?

Maybe Nonna was right, and my generation really does give up early on

in marriage.

Puzzlement twists my face up. “They know where I’m at. And even if

they didn’t, I’m video chatting with you right now. How hard would it be to

trace my location?”

“Harder than you think, apparently. Why else would Papá go to the

trouble of drawing attention to himself?”

An uneasy feeling settles low in my belly, anchoring me to my fears.

Something doesn’t feel quite right here.

I hang up with Ariana, assuring her that I’m fine and don’t need to be

rescued just as the front door swings open, banging into the wall with such

force the sink window rattles.

A few silent beats pass, and I half expect Kal to come in, even though

seeking me out doesn’t seem to be part of his afternoon routine.

If I’d known being married to him was going to be this lonely…

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