Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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over the black upholstered headboard.

God, I want more than anything to march back upstairs, flip her over on

the mattress, tie her to the bed posts, and reenact our time together at


This time, I’d stay. When she awoke in the morning, bloody and raw

from my cock and fingers and knife, I’d work her over until she was pleading

for another ride. Begging for me to cause her pain all over again.

And then I fucking would.

“Blimey,” Jonas says, rounding the desk with two dark pink drinks,

strategically keeping his eyes trained above my head. “If you need a moment

alone with her, just say the word and I’ll take my information and


Rolling my eyes, I shift so my lap is situated better beneath the desk,

taking the tumbler he extends to me. The drink is refreshing and tangy as I tip

it to my lips, sipping slowly, waiting for him to continue.

He gulps his vodka cranberry down in five swift swallows, dragging the

back of his hand over his mouth when he’s finished. “Right then. On to why

I’m here. We’ve been trying to trace the identity of the person who sent you

that sex tape for three days now. We’re no closer than we were seventy-two

hours ago, and Ivers says there’s no end in sight. Whoever uploaded it onto

that flash drive didn’t want to be found.”

“Ivers International is supposed to be the best fucking security firm

around, but you’re telling me they can’t find a simple origin file or


“They’re running the drive through the wringer—Boyd Kelly’s words,

not mine—but evidently it’s quite the process. He just wanted to inform you

that he’d need an extension.”

Clasping my hands together, I exhale, irritation making my skin itch.

“Fine. But if I have to step fucking foot in King’s Trace myself, there will not

be an Ivers International when I leave. Make sure he gets the message.”

Jonas raises his eyebrows, his purple eyes piqued with curiosity. “Isn’t

that your protégé’s family company?”

True, Kieran Ivers took over for me when I scaled back on my work for

the Ricci’s remote operations in Maine; the twenty-seven-year-old hermit

took to fixing the way I took to Elena Ricci—as easily as inhaling a single

breath and releasing it back into the air.

Though he’s hardly my protégé. I taught him everything I know because I

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