Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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With her, it’s always been about the reaction. She knows what buttons of

mine to push, and how hard to push them until I pounce.

Once upon a time, it was almost a game we played; she’d dig beneath my

skin with her quips and harsh words, her jealousy and spite, and like a

fucking lamb I’d follow her right to the slaughter.

I smirk, not bothering to answer as I sweep the room, noting the halfcocked

balcony door just behind her.

The layout of this room is seared into my memory, its white walls much

more familiar to me than those of my actual home, the books on the built-in

shelves ones I’ve mentioned over the years.

Their presence gives me pause; there’s no way Elena wouldn’t pack at

least The Romantics, and yet I see volumes of poetry sitting where they have

forever, untouched and left behind.

My gut tightens, my gaze swinging back to Carmen’s. She glares at me,

putting her hands on her wide hips.

“Where is she?” I ask, forcing my tone to remain level even as my body

itches to propel forward and shove her against the wall.

She shrugs. “Seemed rather eager to let me help her escape. Kind of odd

for a newlywed, don’t you think?”

“I don’t know, Carmen,” I say, moving toward the balcony as a shadow

dances behind its doors, “never stopped you from trying, did it?”

Her mouth falls shut, and she moves with me, trying to block my exit. My

skin prickles when she brings her hands to my chest, disgust swirling inside

my gut, making my vision blur.

“I won’t let you corrupt my daughter,” she says, tears welling up in her

big brown eyes.

At one point, her pain may have worked on me; back when I was young

and naive enough to think Carmen Ricci was capable of caring for someone

other than herself. I can even feel myself wavering now as the tears spill over,

slicking down her cheeks.

But then she speaks again, breaking the illusion.

“Don’t use her to get back at me.”

Biting down on the inside of my cheek until that sweet, coppery taste

floods my senses, I let out a low chuckle, bending so my lips brush her ear.

She shivers, and it makes me nauseous.

“I’m not going to corrupt her,” I say, taking Carmen’s hands in mine,

curling my fingers around hers. “I’m going to ruin her, and every time she

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