Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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expression in his eyes completely unreadable. “Okay,” he says softly,

standing up and tugging me with him. “Let’s go inside.”

He falls eerily silent once we’re indoors, taking me to the living room and

sitting me on the couch. He wraps a plush blanket around my shoulders, then

shimmies back into his dress pants, zipping them up and perching on the

coffee table directly across from me.

I swallow thickly, awareness prickling on my skin, realizing he’s likely

waiting for me to go first. I open my mouth to speak, but he beats me to it.

“I’m in love with you, Elena.”

Snapping my mouth shut, I sit back against the couch, smothering a smug

smile. “Well, as far as apologies go, that’s a good place to start.”

He sighs, a small laugh falling from his lips, startling me in how...

genuine it sounds. In all the weeks I’ve spent with him, I’ve never heard an

actual laugh come from those vocal cords, and the onset of it now causes

butterflies to erupt in my chest.

Dragging a hand through his hair, he looks up at me, those dark eyes

softening to their natural, warm brown, intoxicating in their soft depths. “I’ll

admit, it doesn’t feel like any amount of apologizing will ever absolve me

from the sins I’ve committed against you. Not that that means I’m going to

stop trying, but still. I just want you to be aware that I know everything I say

will feel inadequate.”

Reaching out, he hooks a finger over the ring he gave me the day we

married, a small smile splaying on his lips. “I don’t deserve you, you know


“Relative, but go on.”

“When I was a kid, I grew up shrinking myself, making space for my

mother and her illness. It needed the attention, needed the focus, so that’s

where the majority of everyone’s time went. They came to visit my mother,

came to talk to my mother, and I just slunk to the shadows, trying my best not

to begrudge her any more than I already did.”

He pauses, shaking his head. “Cancer’s a funny disease, in that it inspires

jealousy in some people. There my mother was, slowly decaying, and I had

the fucking nerve to resent her for leaving me. Like she had a choice in the


My heart aches, breaking with each word he speaks, my hands itching to

comfort, to relieve his pain, but knowing I need to hear this, too.

You cannot love a person fully without knowing the darkness etched into

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