Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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knew from the second I laid eyes on you, that you were a force to be

reckoned with. There was immediately so much strength and tenacity, and

fire in your beautiful eyes, present in your lungs every time you cried. I

worked overtime to undermine any potential advantage you could have over


I don’t say anything, knowing she’s not looking for a response.

“I was jealous of a baby,” she says. “My baby, because I knew she was

going to grow up with opportunities and beauty and grace I was never

allowed. Everyone who met you was so captivated by this... aura you had.

This brightness that drew them to you. And you were good at everything you

tried; reading, writing, creating. Even gardening, which I never mastered.

Sometimes it seemed like you’d just walk into a room, and plants would


She turns a page, exhaling softly. “It felt like I was living in my

daughter’s shadow, and your father certainly was never any help. He told you

to jump, and you asked how high, desperate to be the perfect little girl in that

man’s eyes.”

My cheeks burn, shame settling on my shoulders, weighing me down like

a cement brick.

“When your father met Kal, we could tell he needed... well, a lot. His

mother had just died, he had no other family. So, we took him in, made him

feel like one of our own.” Swallowing, she finally looks up, meeting my gaze

across the room. “I remember the first time I felt like maybe he was confused

about his feelings toward me, trying to work through them, and I... took

advantage of that. Soaked up all the attention he gave me, because your father

certainly didn’t give me any. It felt good, after I had you and Ariana, to feel

wanted again.”

“When I found out he’d decided to marry you, I just... couldn’t believe it.

Not because you weren’t lovable, but here you were, doing exactly what I’d

always been afraid of: taking everything that once belonged to me.”

“Is that why you pushed the kidnapping story? To punish me for

something that wasn’t even my fault?”

She nods. “I thought if the world turned against your union, maybe he’d

give you back. Even had your father send men out to rough you up, thinking

maybe Kal would realize he was in over his head.”

A lead weight drops into my throat at the revelation, and I suck in a deep

gulp of air, trying to ignore the initial shock settling in. Of course, Papá

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