Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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words that fill the room, earning a shocked look from her mother.

“Did Kallum ruin my sweet, innocent daughter’s manners?” Carmen says,

glaring at me. “Have a seat, bambina. Show your mother some respect.”

“The way you’ve respected my marriage by spreading rumors and lying

to the tabloids about its nature?”

Frowning, Carmen says nothing for a beat, and I can practically see the

cogs churning in her brain, working out a way for her to turn the tables and

make herself out to be the victim.

She’s got that fucking glint in her eye; the one that flared to life each time

she’d show up at whatever house I was renting at the time, sobbing with

mascara smeared down her cheeks, begging me to forgive her for being weak

when it came to her husband.

It was always ‘The children need their papá,’ and ‘He’ll hunt me down

and kill me if I leave.’ Never just the truth, which was that she never intended

to leave Rafael in the first place.

She had her cake, and she wanted to eat it, too.

“I’m not sure what your sisters have told you about my reaction to your...

whirlwind wedding, but I’m sure it’s been greatly exaggerated.” Carmen

settles in an overstuffed armchair, crossing one leg over the other,

strategically rolling her ankle to make her leg appear longer through the slit

in her robe. “Perhaps if you’d answered even one of my calls or texts, Elena,

you’d have known that.”

“I have messages from you talking about how you want to rescue me,”

Elena says, pulling her phone from where it’s stuffed in the cup of her bra,

opening up a thread of texts. She scrolls through them, reading out loud every

plea and promise from Carmen.

“Are you saying I was unwarranted, all things considered? You were

uprooted from your life. Mateo was...” She drops her voice, even though no

one around is going to say anything. “Dead. I was worried for your safety.”

“I was never in danger. Papá signed off on the freaking marriage


Carmen’s wineglass pauses en route to her red lips, her eyebrows drawing

down. “Scusi?”

“God, did he not tell you?” Elena asks, and I suddenly feel faint for the

first time since my first hit.

Throat working as she swallows, Carmen’s eyes dart to mine, hurt

reflecting there, still trying to call out to me.

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