Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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“Are you okay? You seemed... tense, outside.” She glances at the spine of

my book, cringing. “Uh-oh, Dorian Gray? I know you have some mileage on

you, but honestly, thirty-two is young nowadays. The oldest man in the world

is one hundred and fifteen, you know? You still have time.”

Shutting the book with a snap, I toss it onto the end table and lash out

with one hand, grabbing her wrist and pulling her down into the chair with

me. She squeals, adjusting so she’s straddling me on her knees, pussy sitting

pretty on top of my dick.

It hardens beneath her immediately, ready for its next fill.

“Is the oldest man in the world really that old?” I ask, skimming my nose

along her jawline.

Shivering, she shrugs, slipping her arms around my neck and grinding

down on me. “I have no clue, but it distracted you from your funk, right?”

Pulling back just enough to stare deep into her eyes, I exhale, shaking my

head slightly. “You distracted me. You seem to have a natural talent for that.”

“Oh.” Grinning, Elena leans in, running the tip of her tongue over the

shell of my ear, then nipping at the lobe. “Well, let me make it up to you.”

Her hand retreats from my neck, sliding down my chest, before diving

into the waistband of my pants; she crooks her elbow, wrapping her fingers

as tight around my growing erection as she can, smoothing the pad of her

thumb over the glossy tip.

Leaning my head back, I let out a long breath, my stress morphing into

impending release as blood rushes south.

“Someone’s ready for me,” she whispers, stroking my heated flesh.

Reaching down, she pops open the fly, scrambling to pull me out, and lifts

herself up.

“Always,” I grit, pushing her dress to the tops of her thighs, fisting the

material so it stays in place. I let out a throaty growl when her pussy bares

itself to me, glistening like a dew-soaked rose petal. “Jesus, little one. Do you

ever wear panties?”

She grins, taking me in hand and lining us up. “Nope, and now I

definitely never will.”

Sinking slowly, she takes me inch by inch, until her ass rests on the tops

of my thighs. Gasping sharply as I bottom out, she swallows, her hand flying

up to tangle in my hair.

Rotating her hips, she glides up and down cautiously, like she isn’t quite

sure what to do, and it hits me in the gut again that she’s completely

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