Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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“What did you come here for, Anderson? So far, you haven’t actually


“The video speaks for itself, no?”

“I see you fucking my oldest daughter in my house, even though she’s

been engaged to someone since her conception.”

My blood boils at the thought of another man’s hands on her soft, supple

flesh, his lips on hers, his DNA where mine first ventured. Curling my hand

around the glass, I squeeze until my fingers numb, tempering my reaction.

Knowing I can’t afford to lose control.

“Well, we all know fidelity isn’t exactly a Ricci strong suit.”

His jaw tics, but he doesn’t take the bait. Perhaps because he isn’t sure

whose affair I’m referring to—his or his wife’s. Or perhaps because it doesn’t

really matter, since rebutting my claim won’t make it any less true.

“Elena is not like the rest of us,” he says, glancing at the framed picture

of her on the corner of his desk. In it, she wears her high school cap and

gown and lays in a field of flowers, with the Fontbonne Academy in the


The picture of scholastic success, although she likely knew even then that

her dreams of higher education and a career would be short lived.

Hard to pursue personal interests when your livelihood depends on

whether you adhere to certain duties.

Though that didn’t stop her from pursuing me.

Shrugging, I lean forward and set my tumbler on the wood surface,

reaching into my trench coat pocket for the letter tucked inside. Pulling it out,

I smooth it down over my pant leg, and hold it up for him to see.

“Doesn’t matter if she’s worse. This is a letter I received at the home I

rent across town,” I say. “Not mailed, or taped to the free clinic I used to

work at. It was slipped directly through the mail slot in the front door of the

home, meaning—”

“Whoever delivered it wanted to send a message.” Rafe rubs at his chin

with the heel of his hand, scanning the page. “You don’t have to fucking

explain to me how blackmail works, Kal.”

Slapping the letter down, I slide it in his direction. “Great. So, then I also

don’t need to explain that if they’re not afraid of approaching me, they

certainly won’t hesitate to accost Elena.”

“I like to think my name holds a lot more weight in Boston than yours,”

he says.

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