Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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threatening to unravel at any moment.

“Good little wives need good fuckings,” Kal says, pressing his lips to my

temple. “And I’ve been neglecting you, haven’t I?”

“God, yes,” I squeal, my voice low and raspy like it’s been raked over

coals and burned to a crisp. My head knocks against the door as he fucks me,

and I wrap my arms around his neck to keep from falling. “Yes, Jesus, please.

Right there.”

“No saviors here,” he says, teeth grazing my forehead. “Just me, your

husband, dragging you to Hell with him.”

If this is Hell, lock me up and throw away the key.

The tension in my core begins to expand, like a fireball being blown

outward, incinerating everything in its path. I pulse around him, clutching the

start of an orgasm, trying to pull it over me but unable to make it work.

“I’m... almost there,” I whimper, not even caring about how desperate I

sound at this point.

I am desperate. Miserable, anguished, and wretched for every second not

spent with this man inside of me, filling me with his darkness, not even

stopping to ask questions about my own.

“Fuck, me too,” he says, increasing the strength of each thrust, like he’s

trying to break me wide open. “You feel fucking incredible.”

His hand comes up, collaring my throat with his long fingers, and then

he’s squeezing, stealing the air from my lungs the way he has before.

Only, the squeezing doesn’t stop where it once did; pressure bears down

on the sides of my neck, my pulse skittering as it becomes almost impossible

to breathe. My eyes meet his, wide and uncertain, but the satisfaction ripe in

his makes my blood sing.

It’s a strange sensation, willingly having your oxygen taken away, but the

suffocating feeling seems to culminate to something bigger, something better,

pleasure mixing with fear.

“That’s it,” he croons, making me quiver with delight, “take my cock,

little one. Just like that.” When he pushes his hips flush with mine, a low

groan ripping from his throat, my vision darkens at the corners and I come

undone, my chest tight as my brain floats on.

I spasm around him, screaming as release floods through me, my inner

walls coaxing and milking him dry. A satisfied grunt huffs out as he plasters

us against the glass door, his hand falling from my throat to bracket my


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