Promises and Pomegranates by Sav R. Miller

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Putting his arms up in surrender, he ducks his head, one hand dropping to

the floor. I glance up at Gwen, who’s watching with a bored expression on

her face, like this kind of thing happens all the time.

Given the complete disinterest of the other customers, maybe it does.

Pushing my purse strap farther up on my shoulder, I lift my foot and drop

it onto Vinny’s fingers, reveling in the crunch of his bones beneath my

weight. He squeals like a gutted pig, his other hand stretching and twitching

as if having sympathy pains.

I start to turn away, my eyes back on the exit, when I feel a sharp

sensation prickle on the back of my calf. Glancing down, I see Vinny’s hand

wrapped around the needle from before, which he drags quickly from where

it’s just penetrated my skin.

Panic floods my chest, and I look up at Gwen, who stares with wide eyes,

mouth slightly parted.

“Vinny...” she says, an edge of worry creeping into her voice.

He rolls onto his back, tossing the needle behind the bar and grabbing his

crotch. “Whatever. She had it coming.”

My chest tightens as the seconds pass by, my feet apparently frozen in

place as I watch Vinny go fetal on the floor. My heartbeat kicks up, pulsing

so fast and loud it’s all I can hear between my ears, and fear claws at my

throat, making it difficult to breathe.

I turn around, unsure of what to do, or how long it’ll take for whatever he

just injected me with to kick in.

Gwen doesn’t come after me even when my feet start forward, moving

me to the door. Pushing it open with shaking hands, I squint against the

sunlight and ignore the cool sea air, taking a moment to let my eyes get used

to the drastic atmospheric change.

Heart in my throat, I glance up and down the alleyway, realizing I’ve

somehow exited through the wrong door. Unsure of how I got turned around,

I grab the handle to get back inside, finding that it’s locked behind me.

Swallowing, I shuffle down the alley, my eye throbbing with each step I

take until I come to a stop back on the main street.

I don’t see Kal anywhere, and the idea that I’ve actually been abandoned

resurfaces, making my stomach cramp. Confusion solidifies in my psyche,

rejection weaseling in and making me feel like an idiot.

Just because he gives you his credit card and a couple of orgasms,

doesn’t mean he’s interested in more.

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