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Chapter Thirty-Six


I’m curled up on Atlas’s couch, exhausted from moving.

Our couch.

This is going to take some getting used to.

I had Theo and Josh help me unpack the rest of Emerson’s and my things

because Atlas has a late night at work. I wake up early, he gets home late,

but it’s exciting that we’ll now get more pieces of each other, even when it’s

in passing. And we have Sundays together.

But tonight is a Friday, and tomorrow is a Saturday, Atlas’s busiest days,

so I’m entertaining Josh and Theo until my mother returns with Emerson.

The three of us have been watching Finding Nemo, but it’s almost over.

I honestly didn’t think they would sit through it because they’re at the

age when preteens tend to want to separate themselves from Disney

cartoons. But I’m learning that Gen Z is a different breed. The more time I

spend with these two, the more I think they’re unlike any generation that

came before them. They’re less prone to peer pressure and more supportive

of individuality. I’m a little bit jealous of them.

Josh stands when the credits begin to roll.

“Did you like it?”

He shrugs. “It was pretty funny, considering it started with the brutal

slaughter of all that caviar.” He takes his empty bag of popcorn toward the

kitchen, but Theo is still staring at the television. He’s shaking his head


I’m still stuck on Josh’s description of the beginning of the movie…

“I don’t get it,” Theo says.

“The caviar comment?”

Theo looks between me and the television. “No. I don’t get why Atlas

said that to you about finally reaching the shore. It wasn’t even a quote in

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