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“Where is he?”

“At a friend’s house.” I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the

time. Brad said he’d have Josh here by ten, and it’s ten fifteen. Please don’t

let him show up while Sutton is here.

“Call him,” she demands.

The door is wide open from when Sutton pushed it, so I can see out of

the corner of my eye when Lily emerges from the hallway.

This is not how I wanted my morning with Lily to end. I can feel the

regret slide all the way through me. I shoot her an apologetic look, and then

give my attention back to Sutton.

“What did the caseworker say?” I ask her.

Her mouth screws into a tight twist, and then she looks to her left.

“They’re not even opening an investigation. If you don’t return him to me

today, I’ll file charges.”

I know the steps Child Protective Services has to take during an

investigation, and they haven’t even contacted Josh for an interview yet.

“You’re lying. I’d like you to leave.”

“I’ll leave when I have my son.”

I exhale. “He doesn’t want to live with you right now.” Or ever, but I

save that sting.

“He doesn’t want to live with me,” she repeats with a laugh. “What kid

that age wants to live with their parents? And how many parents haven’t

slapped a kid that age? They don’t end custody over that. Jesus Christ.” She

folds her arms over her chest again. “The only reason you’re doing this is to

get back at me.”

If she knew me, she would know I’m not vengeful like she is. But of

course, the conclusion she comes up with is something that only fits her

own personality. “Do you miss him?” I ask her, my voice calm. “Honestly.

Do you miss him? Because if you’re doing this to prove something to

someone, just let it go. Please.”

Brad’s car turns onto the street, and I wish there were a way I could ask

him to keep driving. But he’s pulling up to the curb before I can even reach

my phone. Sutton follows my line of sight and sees Josh opening the back

door of Brad’s car.

She immediately walks toward the car, but Josh pauses when he sees her.

More like freezes. He doesn’t know what to do.

Sutton snaps her fingers and points at her car. “Let’s go. We’re leaving.”

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