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“These are perfect,” I say, motioning for him to enter. “Come in. I need,

like, fifteen minutes to get dressed.”

I’ve been so busy today, I haven’t even had a chance to eat. I open one of

the cookies and bite into it. Then, with a mouthful, I say, “I’m sorry if this

is tacky. I’m starving.” I point toward my bedroom. “You can wait in my

room with me while I get ready; it won’t take me long.”

Atlas is looking around, taking everything in as he follows me to my


My dress is laid out on the bed, so I pick it up and walk to my bathroom.

I leave the door cracked a bit so that I can talk to him while I change.

“Where’s Josh?”

“You remember Brad from that poker night?”

“I do, actually.”

“His son, Theo, is at my house with Josh. They go to school together.”

“How’s he liking school?”

I can’t see Atlas, but he’s closer to the bathroom when he says, “Fine, I

guess.” It sounds like he’s right next to the door. I slip the dress over my

head and open the door farther. I chose a merlot-colored fitted dress with

spaghetti straps. It has a matching shawl, but it’s still hanging in the closet.

Atlas looks me over when I appear in the doorway. His eyes journey up

the length of me, but I don’t give him time to compliment me.

“Can you zip me up?” I give him my back and lift my hair, but I can feel

him hesitate. Or maybe he’s soaking in the moment.

A couple of seconds later, I feel his fingers press against my back as he

raises the zipper. It sends chills rolling over my skin. When he’s finished, I

drop my hair and turn and face him. “I need to put on makeup.” I start to

back into the bathroom, but Atlas grips my waist.

“Come here,” he says, pulling me until I smush against him. He admires

my face for a couple of seconds, smiling appreciatively. Seductively. Like

he’s about to kiss me. “Thank you for inviting me.”

I return the smile. “Thank you for coming. I know you’ve had a busy


Atlas’s eyes look tired. The usual glimmer has dulled a little, like he’s

been stressed and could use a night of relaxation. I can’t help but touch his

cheek when I say, “We can Uber there if you want. You seem like you could

use a drink.”

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