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The door to my office is open, which means Theo must be in there doing

his homework. I lead Josh in that direction, and he follows me as we make

our way into the office. Theo is seated at my desk, reading. He looks up at

me, then looks at Josh. He leans back in the desk chair and pulls in his chin.

“What are you doing here?”

“What are you doing here?” Josh asks Theo.

They’re asking each other this like they know each other. I didn’t think

they would since the schools here are so big, and there are so many. I

wasn’t even sure which school Theo attended. “Do you two know each


Theo says to me, “Yeah, he’s a new kid at my school.” Then to Josh, he

says, “But how do you know Atlas?”

Josh drops his backpack and nudges his head toward me as he plops onto

the sofa. “He’s my brother.”

Theo looks at me and then at Josh. Then at me. “Why didn’t I know you

had a brother?”

“Long story,” I say.

“Don’t you think that’s something your therapist should know about?”

“You haven’t been here all week,” I say.

“I had math practice after school every day,” he says.

“Math practice? How does one practice math?”

Josh pipes in. “Wait. Theo is your therapist?”

Theo answers him with, “Yeah, but he doesn’t pay me. Hey, did you get

Trent for math?”

“No, I got Sully,” Josh says.

“Bummer.” Theo looks over at me, and then back at Josh. Then back at

me. “How have you never mentioned you have a brother?” Theo can’t seem

to get past that fact, but I don’t have time to explain it to him right now. The

kitchen is running behind.

“Josh can tell you. I have a kitchen to run.” I leave them in the office and

head back to help out with all the chits we’re behind on.

I like that they know each other, but I like it even more that Theo seemed

comfortable around him. I know Theo much better than I know my little

brother, and I feel like Theo would have had some sort of reaction if he was

displeased to see Josh.

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