Current Population Survey Design and Methodology - Census Bureau

Current Population Survey Design and Methodology - Census Bureau

Current Population Survey Design and Methodology - Census Bureau


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Listing checks 15-4<br />

Listing Sheets<br />

reviews 15-3−15-4<br />

Unit/Permit A-1−A-2<br />

Longitudinal edits 9-2<br />

Longitudinal weights 10-14−10-15<br />

M<br />

Maintenance reductions B-1−B-2<br />

Major Labor Force Recode 9-3<br />

March Supplement (see also Annual Social <strong>and</strong> Economic<br />

Supplement or Annual Demographic Supplement)<br />

11-5−11-10<br />

Marital status categories 5-2<br />

Maximum overlap procedure 3-4<br />

Mean squared error 13-1−13-2<br />

Measure of size (MOS) 3-8<br />

Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) 3-2, 3-4<br />

Microdata files 12-1−12-2, 12-4<br />

Military housing/barracks 3-7, 3-9<br />

Modeling errors 15-9<br />

Modified age, race, <strong>and</strong> sex<br />

census base population by age, sex, race, <strong>and</strong> Hispanic<br />

origin modification of the census race distribution<br />

C-7−C-8<br />

civilian institutional population by age, sex, race, <strong>and</strong><br />

Hispanic origin C-10<br />

deaths by age, sex, race, <strong>and</strong> Hispanic origin C-8<br />

definition C-2<br />

migration of armed forces by age, sex, race, <strong>and</strong><br />

Hispanic origin C-9−C-10<br />

Month-in-sample (MIS) 7-1, 7-4−7-6, 11-5−11-10,<br />

16-7−16-9<br />

Monthly Labor Review 12-1, 12-3<br />

Mover households 11-5−11-10<br />

Multiple jobholders<br />

definition 5-3<br />

questionnaire information 6-2, 6-4<br />

Multiunit structures<br />

Multiunit Listing Aids A-1<br />

Unit/Permit Listing Sheets A-1−A-2<br />

Multiunits 4-3, 4-5<br />

N<br />

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)<br />

births <strong>and</strong> deaths C-5−C-6<br />

deaths by age, sex, race, <strong>and</strong> Hispanic origin C-8<br />

distribution of births by sex, race, <strong>and</strong> Hispanic origin<br />

C-8<br />

household population under 65 years of age C-10<br />

introduction C-1<br />

National Commission on Employment <strong>and</strong> Unemployment<br />

Statistics (see also Levitan Commission) 6-1, 6-7<br />

National Park blocks 3-9<br />

National Processing Center (NPC) 8-1−8-3, D-1<br />

Net recruits to the armed forces<br />

migration of armed forces by age, sex, race, <strong>and</strong><br />

Hispanic origin C-9−C-10<br />

net recruits to the armed forces from the civilian<br />

population C-6−C-7<br />

total population C-4−C-5<br />

New entrants 5-5<br />

New York substate areas 3-1<br />

Noninstitutional housing 3-7−3-8<br />

Noninterview<br />

adjustments 10-3<br />

American Time Use <strong>Survey</strong> (ATUS) 11-5<br />

Annual Social <strong>and</strong> Economic Supplement (ASEC)<br />

11-6−11-8<br />

clusters 10-3<br />

factors 10-3<br />

Noninterviews 7-1, 7-3−7-4, 9-1, 16-2−16-5, 16-8<br />

Nonmover households 11-5−11-8, 11-10<br />

Nonresponse 9-1−9-2, 10-2, 15-4−15-5<br />

Nonresponse errors<br />

item nonresponse 16-5<br />

mode of interview 16-7<br />

proxy reporting 16-9<br />

response variance 16-5−16-6<br />

time in sample 16-7−16-9<br />

type A noninterviews 16-2−16-5<br />

Nonresponse rates 11-2<br />

Nonsampling errors<br />

controlling response error 15-6−15-8<br />

coverage errors 15-2−15-4, 16-1<br />

definitions 13-2−13-3<br />

miscellaneous errors 15-8−15-9<br />

nonresponse errors 15-4−15-5, 16-3−16-5<br />

overview 15-1<br />

response errors 15-6<br />

Non-self-representing primary sampling units (NSR PSUs)<br />

3-3−3-5, 10-4, 14-1−14-3<br />

North American Industry Classification System 2-6<br />

Occupational data<br />

coding of 2-4 , 8-2−8-3, 9-1<br />

edits <strong>and</strong> codes 9-3<br />

questionnaire information 5-3−5-4, 6-5<br />

Office of Management <strong>and</strong> Budget (OMB) 2-2, 2-7<br />

Old construction frames 3-7−3-12<br />

Outgoing rotation weights 10-13−10-14<br />

Part-time workers<br />

definition 5-3<br />

economic reasons 5-3<br />

monthly questions 2-2<br />

noneconomic reasons 5-3<br />

Performance Improvement Period (PIP) D-5<br />

Performance Opportunity Period (POP) D-5<br />

Index−6 <strong>Current</strong> <strong>Population</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> TP66<br />

O<br />

P<br />

U.S. <strong>Bureau</strong> of Labor Statistics <strong>and</strong> U.S. <strong>Census</strong> <strong>Bureau</strong>

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