Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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God, why do you hate me? Was it something I did? Do you

disapprove of all the vibrators?

I exhale a slow breath. Chris exhales a hard one.

“To be honest, I thought breaking up with you might, you

know, light a fire under your ass. Make you realize that maybe

you shouldn’t take us for granted. I mean, we get along really,

really well.”

Yes, we do. I also get along really well with my dog, my

gay hairdresser, and the eighty-year-old librarian at school.

None of whom I’m interested in having sex with, either.

I say gently, “I think you’re a great guy, Chris. And that’s

the honest truth. You were right when you said I was living in

the past—”

He closes his eyes and sighs. “That was such an asshole


“—and I don’t blame you for not wanting to waste your

time with someone so…so damaged. In fact, I was thinking

maybe I could set you up with my friend Marybeth.”

He opens his eyes and squints at me. “The one who looks


I’ve got to talk to that woman about her wardrobe.

“She’s not Amish. She’s really great. She’s smart and

sweet, and I think you guys would hit it off. Do you think you

might be interested?”

He’s giving me a strange look. I can’t identify it, until he

says crossly, “No, Nat. I’m not interested. I came here to tell

you I still have feelings for you, and that I made a mistake in

breaking it off.”

Well, shit.

“I’m so sorry. Um. I don’t know what to say.”

“You can say you’ll let me take you out to dinner tonight.”

We stare at each other in uncomfortable silence, until I say,

“I think I’m going to have to pass.”

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