Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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the set of Sons of Anarchy, and understand on a cellular level

that the man sitting across from me is someone for whom the

normal rules of society don’t apply.

I also understand that he’s dangerous.

And that he wants me but doesn’t want to.

And that I want him, too, but shouldn’t.

Because people who stick a hand too close to a lion’s

mouth will come away with a bloody stump where that hand

used to be.

The waiter arrives. Kage sends him away with a royally

dismissive flick of his fingers, never taking his gaze off me.

When he’s gone, Kage says, “So your fiancé disappeared.

And for the next five years, on every anniversary of what

would’ve been your wedding day, you get drunk.”

“It sounds worse when you say it out loud. Do I need to be

afraid of you?”

We stare at each other across the table. The silence is

electric. If he’s surprised by my question, it doesn’t show.

He says softly, “What if I said yes?”

“Then I’d take you at your word and drive straight to the

nearest police station. Are you saying yes?”

He hesitates. “Most people who know me are.”

My heart pounds so hard, I’m surprised he can’t hear it. “I

want a yes or a no.”

“Would you believe me if I said no?”

I reply instantly, without thinking. “Yes. You’re not the

kind of man who hides behind lies.”

He considers me in blistering, unblinking silence, slowly

turning the cigar round and round between his thumb and

forefinger. Finally, he says gruffly, “You’re so fucking


The breath I’ve been holding comes out in a rush. “That’s

not an answer.”

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