Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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to make me rinse out and reuse plastic sandwich bags,

remember? And now you’re here, living like a movie star.”

“The feds didn’t know I took the money. But if I’d started

buying flashy cars and big houses, they would’ve figured out

what I’d done. And believe me when I tell you that there’s

nothing more the federal government wants than money.

They’d have figured out how to get it out of me, one way or

another. They probably would’ve sent me to jail if I didn’t

comply. And I wouldn’t put it beyond them to stick me in the

same prison as Max.”

This keeps getting worse and worse.

It’s my turn to drop my face into my hands and exhale


David continues. “I spent the first week after I left you in

Juneau, Alaska, living in a studio apartment the feds rented for

me under the name Antoni Kowalski. Then I split. I knew

you’d look for me in Panama, so I came here. The long way.

Hitchhiked down the Pan-American highway so there was no

trace of where I’d gone. Then, after I got here, I liquidated

some of the cryptocurrency I’d invested Max’s money in and

bought this place. Then I waited.”

He pauses for a moment to draw a slow breath. “I’ve been

waiting ever since.”

I liked it better when I was angry. Now I’m just worn out

and depressed.

When I don’t say anything, he asks gently, “Who told you

about me?”

I lift my head and meet his gaze, knowing this next part is

going to be bad. “Kazimir Portnov.”

David’s face instantly turns sheet white.

“Yeah. That’s pretty much everyone’s reaction when they

hear his name.”

“He…he…” David swallows, blinking hard. “Did he hurt


“Not physically.”

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