Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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I lose myself in a blinding whiteout of heat and pleasure,

convulsing around him, a noise like howling winds in my ears.

I hear him cursing from somewhere far off, feel him

shuddering and hear his hoarse groans, but I’m way out in

space, hurtling toward infinity.



I’m feral, a wild thing uncontained. I’ve never experienced

such intense feelings of bliss and euphoria. I don’t care about

anything, past or future. Only now exists.

Only he exists, and I exist only for him.

I’m an addict, and he’s heroin, injected straight into my


The moment stretches out into timelessness. I live and die

a thousand times, resurrected into his arms only to be lost

again. I lose all sense of who I am, and that feels right, like in

losing myself, I’ve finally discovered what I’ve searched for

so desperately:


This connection we have right now is the only thing that

matters, because it’s the only thing that will remain when

everything else is gone. Nothing means anything, because in

the end, it all falls away.

Except this.

I know I’ll take this moment with me to my grave…and

whatever comes after.

When I come back to myself, I’m weeping.

My lover knows what to do.

Swiftly untying my hands from their restraints, he

whispers to me softly, sweet words of praise and devotion. He

takes off the blindfold, bundles me in blankets, and gathers me

into his arms. He rocks me, his arms and legs curved around

my body, his heat and strength a balm to my frazzled mind.

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