Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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“Hush now. No more sound unless I ask you a question.”

The bed moves, then I feel Kage’s hot mouth on the center

of me. I draw in a hard breath as he slowly licks my clit,

suckling it like he’s nursing. I spread my legs even wider,

lifting my hips toward his mouth.

Then he’s eating me, rhythmically pinching both my hard

nipples at the same time.

I moan, my head tipped back into the pillow.

When the light slap between my legs comes, I’m

unprepared for it. I jerk hard against my restraints, gasping.

“I said, hush.”

His voice is intoxicating. Deep and low, it vibrates with

power and potent masculinity.

I respond to it in a place far deeper than my conscious

mind, instinctively obeying. Relaxing against the mattress, I

give up trying to control my furious heartbeat, my ragged

breathing, or the chaotic whirlwind in my mind.

I surrender to him completely.

Because he seems to know everything, he knows that, too.

He growls, “You were born to be mine. My queen. You

don’t kneel for anyone but me. And I fucking worship you for


He slaps my exposed, aching pussy again, slightly harder,

testing me.

I suck in a hard breath through my nose, but stay silent.

My reward is his mouth, ravaging me between my legs.

When I’m panting and trembling all over, cresting the

wave quickly taking me toward a burning bright peak, his

mouth disappears. I lie silent and quaking on the bed,

sweating, until I hear the bedside drawer slide open and the

sound of Kage rummaging around in it.

He says to himself, “This one.”

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