Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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threads a hand into my hair and grips the back of my head,

flexing his hips in time to the strokes of my tongue.

When I glance up at him, his eyes are closed. His lips are

wet and parted. Deep furrows cross his brow. Every muscle in

his stomach is clenched.

He’s just as close as I am.

He whispers, “I love your mouth. Christ, that feels


When I squeeze his thigh, he opens his eyes and gazes

down at me. His pupils are dilated so wide, his irises are

nearly obliterated.

He pulls my head back. His cock pops out of my mouth.

He kisses me ravenously, shoving his tongue deep into my

mouth, then pulls me up onto the bed with his hands under my


Pushing me flat onto my back, he kisses me again, palming

my sex and squeezing.

“I love this cunt, too,” he says roughly against my mouth.

He slides a finger deep inside me, making me arch and moan.

“And these beautiful tits.”

He lowers his head to my breasts. He sucks on a nipple,

swirling his tongue around and around before gently biting


I shudder in pleasure, sinking my hands into his hair and

pushing my chest closer to his mouth.

Into my ear, he says gruffly, “I love every fucking perfect

part of you, all of you, inside and out, and I’ll never let you go,

no matter what happens. Do you understand me?”

His voice is ragged, edged with desperation.

I open my eyes and find him gazing down at me with

searing intensity. His face is flushed. He’s more emotional

than I’ve ever seen him, his heart blazing in his eyes.

When I nod, he kisses me again, deeply, making a sound of

pleasure low in his throat.

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