Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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When I burst into tears, he looks mortified. “Oh shit. You

hate it.”

I collapse against his chest and pound a fist weakly on his

shoulder. I hope it’s his good one, but I’m too emotional to


He says gruffly, “I’m sorry. I’ll return it. It’s too soon.”

I speak through sobs. “Will you shut up? I’m happy!”

“Oh.” He pauses, then chuckles. “I’d hate to see you when

you’re sad.”

I cry against his chest as he holds me, until I’m calm

enough to lift my head and look at him.

When he sees my face, he teases gently, “Who knew such

a pretty girl could be such an ugly crier?”

I swipe at my wet face, sniffling. “One more wisecrack,

and I’ll kill you where you stand.”

“No, you won’t. You like me.”

“You’re okay. I guess.”

Chuckling again, he pulls me against his chest and tucks

my head under his chin. Then he turns serious, exhaling a

long, slow breath. He says softly, “It’s a promise ring, baby.

My promise to you that I’m yours. But…”

When he hesitates, I lift my head and stare at him. A pang

of terror tightens my stomach. “But what?”

He caresses my cheek, gently wiping away a stray tear

with his thumb. “But it’s not an engagement ring, because we

can never be married.”

I close my eyes, hoping he won’t be able to see the way

he’s just stabbed me through the heart. “Because it’s not safe

for me, right?”

“Because I’m not allowed.”

My eyes snap open. I stare up at his handsome face with

furrowed brows. “Allowed? What do you mean?”

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