Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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giving me a great view of his beautiful neck and biceps, his

pecs and rock-hard abs.

Then he shakes his head like a dog, spraying water


He turns off the water and says, “You’re very loyal to your


“She’s my bestie. It’s required.”

“Do you think she has real feelings for Stavros?”

That would be a no. Men are like goldfish to her: they

make cute pets, but they’re indistinguishable from one another

and replaceable at little to no cost.

But I’m not about to tell that to Kage, considering his

penchant for shooting people.

Eyeing him warily, I say, “I don’t know. Why do you ask?”

He chuckles. “Don’t be so suspicious. I’m just curious.”

“Let’s just say she’s not exactly a romantic.”

Kage takes my face in his hands. He gazes at me, his lips

curved into a tender smile. “Neither was I. She just hasn’t met

The One yet.”

My mouth goes dry. My pulse surges.

Is he telling me I’m The One for him? I mean, obsession

and true love are two very different things.

But I’m not brave enough to ask, so I change the subject.

“Your shoulder is leaking again.”

He glances at it and frowns. “How good are you with a


I feel the blood drain from my face, but gird my mental

loins. If he needs me to stitch him up, I’ll do it.

I take a breath and straighten my shoulders. “I’m sure I can


He grins at the grim expression on my face. “I know you

can. You can manage anything.”

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