Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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His voice turns dark. “Yes, you know.” He grabs my wrists

and presses them back to the pillow over my head.

Panicking, I blurt, “I said you couldn’t spank me!”

“I know, baby. Shh.” He kisses me softly. “I’ll never do

anything you say no to. Okay?”

Relaxing a little, I nod.

He kisses me again, then murmurs, “So what do you say to

being tied up and blindfolded?”

Whatever my face is doing, it makes him grin. “You like

that idea.”

“I don’t know. It sounds kinky. I’m not kinky.”

“Says the girl with a huge collection of sex toys and a

vocabulary that would make a dominatrix blush.”

He thrusts into me again, gently biting my neck, then

whispers, “I want to make you come when you’re restrained.

Blindfolded, restrained, and begging.”

“The deal is you only get to do to me what you let me do

to you. Remember?”

“Funny, I don’t remember agreeing to that deal.”

“Would you, though? Because it would make me feel a lot

better. Safer, I mean.”

He lifts his head and examines my expression. After a

moment, he says, “Yes.”

Feeling a combination of fear and excitement, I whisper,


“If that’s what you want. Yes.”

He thrusts again. And again. His breathing grows ragged.

I think this topic of conversation is exciting him, too.

“So you’d…you’d let me spank you?”

His lids lower. A muscle flexes in his jaw. On another roll

of his hips, he says, “Yes. Then I’d fuck you so hard after, you

wouldn’t be able to walk for a week.”

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