Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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water, remove the plastic wrap and ribbon from the bouquet,

and recut the stems of the flowers.

Then I try not to fidget as I arrange the flowers in the vase

and Kage stands two feet away drinking me in like he’s a

cactus in a drought-ravaged desert and I’m the first spring rain.

I’m so flustered by the intensity of his gaze, the floodgates


“You hung up on me before I could tell you that Sloane

and her boyfriend will be joining us. Actually, I’m not sure if

he’s technically her boyfriend. That’s just what I’m calling

him because there’s really no polite term for ‘flavor of the

month.’ She goes through men like tissues. Not that I’m

judging her. I’m not. I’m just saying he’ll be there. This guy.

Oh, and a few of his friends, too, apparently. I hope that’s

okay. I know this was supposed to be our date, but actually,

it’s a double date. I mean, it is still our date, it’s just that more

people will be—”

Kage reaches out and gently grasps my wrist. “Easy,” he

murmurs. “Take a breath.”

I close my eyes and do just that. “Sorry. I’m not normally

this high-strung.”

“I know. Me neither.”

When I open my eyes and look at him, he’s looking back at

me with so much desire burning in his eyes that for a second, I

lose my breath.

He takes the kitchen shears from my hand, sets them on

the counter, and pulls me toward him, his grip on my wrist still

gentle. Coaxing, not demanding.

A “please,” not a command.

He winds my arms around his shoulders, grasps my waist

and pulls our bodies together, and gazes down at me.

His voice low, he says, “I haven’t stopped thinking about

you since the day we met. I’m not someone who obsesses over

things, but I’ve obsessed over you. To the point of distraction.

To the point where it interfered with my work. I can’t get you

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