Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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The ghost of a smile lifts the corners of his lips. It vanishes

when he says, “What happened with Deputy Dipshit?”

“We haven’t talked since that day you nearly ripped off his

head.” I pause. “Did I ever thank you for that?”

“No thanks were necessary. It’s a man’s job to protect—”

He cuts off abruptly and mutters, “Fuck.” Then he looks

away and says gruffly, “I should go.”

He’s uncomfortable. I’ve never seen him uncomfortable.

It’s oddly appealing.

I say softly, “You can’t just show up out of the blue and

leave ten seconds later. At least stay for a cookie.”

His gaze slides back to mine, and now it’s heated. “I don’t

want to keep you.”

He says it like that’s exactly what he wants to do: keep me.

If my face gets any redder, he’ll think I’ve burst a vessel.

Then he backtracks. “You’re baking cookies?”

“Yes. Well, they’re probably hockey pucks by now

because my oven’s a piece of junk, but I’ve got another batch

ready to go.”

“You bake?”

A prick of irritation makes me frown at him. “Why is that

so surprising? Do I look like I’m incapable of operating a

kitchen appliance?”

“I’ve never met a beautiful woman who bakes.”

I find that even more irritating. Because one, I don’t like

backhanded compliments, two, skill with baking has

absolutely nothing to do with a woman’s looks, and three, he

makes it sound like beautiful women are draped all over him

wherever he goes.

Which they probably are, but still. I don’t like the idea.

I say tartly, “And I’ve never met an eight-foot-tall debt

collector who launders money through real estate and flies a

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