Ruthless Creatures by J.T. Geissinger

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When I only stand there staring at him like a lunatic, he

says, “You dropped your oven mitts.”

It’s true. My cheery red Santa-and-reindeer Christmas

mitts lie discarded on the threshold between us, dropped in my

shock at seeing him.

At least I didn’t swallow my tongue.

Before I can recover from my surprise, he leans down,

sweeps up the mitts in one of his big paws, and straightens.

But he doesn’t give them back to me. He stands holding them

like they’re a prized possession and he’ll only hand them over

for a steep price.

“You’re back. I mean, you’re here. What’re you doing


Not exactly neighborly, but I thought I’d never see him

again. I thought I’d never have to deal with the hysterically

shrieking hormones his presence always ignites.

Gazing at me steadily, he says, “I had business in Vegas.

Thought I’d drop by and say hello. I just got in.”

“Drop by? Vegas is an eight-hour drive from here.”

“I flew.”

“Oh. I thought I just heard on the news that they stopped

all the flights into Reno-Tahoe International due to bad


“They did. Just not mine.”

He looks at me with such intensity, my heartrate

skyrockets. “Why not yours?”

“I was flying the plane. I ignored the call to reroute.”

I blink at him. “You’re a pilot?”


“You said you were a debt collector.”

“I am.”

“This is confusing.”

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