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Figure 12. INP values in the three survey stations in mangrove protected areas in Teluk Bintuni2. Associated BiotaThere were also 228 individuals of 20 species of associated biota identified in the survey stations, asshown in Table 2 below.Table 2. Associated biota identified in the survey stationsTypeNo. ofindividuals1 Periophthalamus sp 242 Kadal (lizard) 13 Uca sp 44 Aerides sp 36 Capung (dragonfly) 17 Halcyon sp 78 Pelecanus sp 109 Haliaeetus sp 110 Laridae sp 111 Cacatua sp 212 Corvus sp 113 Nerita sp 414 Telescopium sp 15515 Ellobium sp 216 Cerithidae sp 517 Chicoreus sp 218 Cassiula sp 319 Littoraria sp 120 Macrobrachium sp 1Total 228Activity Report: Baseline Survey of Fisheries and Mangrove Resources at Teluk Bentuni to Support Marine ConservationArea Initiation, 22-29 Sept 2017 P a g e | 12

Adib Mustofa/USAID SEAFigure 13. Biota survey using quadrantsSUMMARY OF KEY RESULTSThe survey resulted in the following key findings:There is a high production of shrimp (Penaeus sp), mud crab (Scylla sp), demersal fish (FamilyLutjanidae and Sciaenidae) and small pelagic fish (Rastrelliger sp) in Teluk Bintuni.Overall, the mangrove ecosystem in Teluk Bintuni, particularly in the survey stations inprotected areas, is in fairly good condition. However, in the production area, the ecosystemcould be at risk from overharvesting.In addition, the survey resulted in the identification of stakeholders who will play an important rolein initiating the KKP. These include key stakeholders from the local government, private sector,community, and community institutions in the Municipality of Teluk Bintuni.RECOMMENDATIONSThe main recommendations from the survey are as follows:A more comprehensive approach towards the resource use management is needed toaddress pressures on the coastal and marine resources of Teluk Bintuni.The establishment of the KKP and fisheries management should be pursued through multisectoralcollaboration and cooperation to reduce resource use conflicts.Coordination and communication should be improved among different sectors and culturalgroups to promote understanding of each sector’s or group’s role in initiating the KKP andmanaging fisheries in Teluk Bintuni. These include indigenous groups (there are seven bigindigenous communities in Teluk Bintuni) and the private sector, which are key players inthe utilization of marine resources. As resource manager, the government also needs tocommunicate and coordinate more with all stakeholder sectors and communities to explainand discuss policy recommendations, in order to facilitate policy acceptance and complianceby the stakeholder groups.Activity Report: Baseline Survey of Fisheries and Mangrove Resources at Teluk Bentuni to Support Marine ConservationArea Initiation, 22-29 Sept 2017 P a g e | 13

Figure 12. INP values in the three survey stations in mangrove protected areas in Teluk Bintuni

2. Associated Biota

There were also 228 individuals of 20 species of associated biota identified in the survey stations, as

shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2. Associated biota identified in the survey stations


No. of


1 Periophthalamus sp 24

2 Kadal (lizard) 1

3 Uca sp 4

4 Aerides sp 3

6 Capung (dragonfly) 1

7 Halcyon sp 7

8 Pelecanus sp 10

9 Haliaeetus sp 1

10 Laridae sp 1

11 Cacatua sp 2

12 Corvus sp 1

13 Nerita sp 4

14 Telescopium sp 155

15 Ellobium sp 2

16 Cerithidae sp 5

17 Chicoreus sp 2

18 Cassiula sp 3

19 Littoraria sp 1

20 Macrobrachium sp 1

Total 228

Activity Report: Baseline Survey of Fisheries and Mangrove Resources at Teluk Bentuni to Support Marine Conservation

Area Initiation, 22-29 Sept 2017 P a g e | 12

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