Dorothy in the World of dOz and the Wizard of AI

Canesta, a leading marketing agency offering full-service digital solutions to its clients from various industries, announced the release of its first infotaining eBook: “Dorothy in the World of dOz and the Wizard of AI.” The team of experienced digital marketers reached out to experts from Justuno, Trustpilot, and BigCommerce, that quickly responded and contributed with their professional insights regarding the future role of AI in digital marketing. Their opinions are featured in the eBook.

Canesta, a leading marketing agency offering full-service digital solutions to its clients from various industries, announced the release of its first infotaining eBook: “Dorothy in the World of dOz and the Wizard of AI.” The team of experienced digital marketers reached out to experts from Justuno, Trustpilot, and BigCommerce, that quickly responded and contributed with their professional insights regarding the future role of AI in digital marketing. Their opinions are featured in the eBook.


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Table of Contents

Introduction ...........................................................................................................1

Chapter 1: Dorothy travels to dOz ......................................................................3

Chapter 2: Dorothy meets her guides in dOz ...................................................10

Chapter 3: eCommerce City and The Wicked Witch ......................................16

Chapter 4: Dorothy meets the Wizard of AI .....................................................22

Chapter 5: Back to Light, back to Reality ..........................................................27

Contributors ........................................................................................................31

Copyright 2022 © Canesta


Dear Reader,

This eBook is crafted as a creative approach to glimpse into the possible

future of digital marketing, eCommerce, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

With our constant thirst for knowledge and exploration of the rapidly

evolving digital world, we decided to put together our own thoughts and

ideas and get the response of highly-respected individuals working in

the digital marketing and eCommerce industry.

To make the book more understandable and fun to read, we decided to

pay tribute to the well-known timeless characters: Dorothy, Toto and

the Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. We turned them into the main

characters on our journey to the digital world of today and tomorrow.

Our goal is to convey our message in an infotaining and understandable

way so that you can understand better what eCommerce is, without the

need to be an expert in the field and also see through our eyes what the

future of the digital world may hold and how to harness the power of

digital marketing and the technological advancements to best suit your


AI has become an increasingly popular subject as the most influential

innovators of our time have placed all their efforts into artificial

intelligence development. It is only natural that we would also contemplate


and discover our own implementations of AI in digital marketing and

eCommerce and how it would play out in the grand scheme.

At Canesta, we constantly challenge ourselves to think outside the box,

discover our implementation of best practices and incorporate the

entrepreneurial and digital marketing side into our professional and

personal perspective of the industry.

So let’s dive together into a fascinating adventure with Dorothy, Toto,

and other popular and new characters into dOz.

Sincerely yours,

The Canesta Team


Chapter 1

Dorothy travels to dOz

After returning to Kansas, Dorothy moved back to live with her aunt and

uncle in the tiny house. Although she was back home, she was no longer the

same after her journey in Oz. This time around, Dorothy was aware of her

power, and knew that she could fight off any obstacle on her way. She also

knew that barriers don’t exist and nothing could stop her. Thus, Dorothy

decided to take on a new venture in her life and combine her imagination and

knowledge to create something amazing and find her true purpose. However,

she wasn’t sure that she could find it in Kansas.

One night, Dorothy picked up her beloved companion, the cairn terrier, Toto,

and danced around her room. Since she had her laptop in her bedroom, she

went online to try and search for her purpose. There were so many options.

Dorothy suddenly became somewhat disappointed and discouraged, not

because she didn’t believe in herself but because she didn’t know her true

purpose yet. The Internet was overflowing with so many purposeful things.

So, she wondered what it could be? What could she become? In Emerald

City, she had already proven herself and defeated the Wicked Witch of the

West. This time Dorothy felt as if she had to conquer something different, but

she didn’t know what yet. She got tired and decided to go to bed. “Perhaps

I would dream it,” she thought to herself, and turned off the light, but her

laptop remained open. Toto started whining in distress around her.


“What’s wrong, Toto? Come, let’s go to sleep,” said Dorothy, as she picked

him up and put him on the bed.

Suddenly a ball of lightning came into the room, and hit the laptop, which

started glowing so bright, it nearly blinded her. In an instance, Dorothy

got sucked in by the ball of light into the monitor of her laptop, and she

transcended to light herself.

At first she didn’t know what’s really happening, because everything was

completely dark. Only she didn’t realize that this darkness was actually a

different type of light she wasn’t yet accustomed to. As she got more used to the

setting, everything lit up. She could see herself in a completely different form

than what she was before. It was a shift of focus, a transfer of consciousness

into a digital form. She looked up and saw the sign - “Welcome to dOz, enjoy

your stay!”


“But what is dOz? Maybe it is a computer game,” said Dorothy to herself.

She saw Toto lying next to her and picked him up. Another sign appeared in

the sky: “dOz is the Digital Oz. Now, please, enjoy your stay!”

“I guess we are in for another adventure, Toto, brace yourself,” said Dorothy

and looked at her brand new shining, shimmering silver shoes. She started

walking and, at first, thought to herself that she was all alone, but suddenly

she saw a white rabbit.

“Wait, isn’t this Alice’s rabbit? And what is he wearing? A T-shirt that says

“Follow me.” Well, that’s very peculiar. And who is that running after him?

The Chosen One?” noted Dorothy out loud.

“Sorry to bother you. Did you see a rabbit pass by?” said The Chosen One.

“Yes, he went that way.”



Dorothy continued thinking out loud, “dOz is getting more and more strange.

And the minute Dorothy said “strange” she also saw Doctor Strange passing

by. So everything I think of suddenly manifests. Interesting. What a magical

reality. Maybe I should walk in this direction and follow Alice’s white rabbit.

Alice appeared in an instance.

“Oh, hello, Dorothy.” said Alice without a hinch of surprise in her voice.


“What brought you here?” asked Alice.

“Well, as usual, it seemed to be a natural disaster, but in reality, it was my

sincere wish to find my place and a sense of purpose in the world… Any

world. And you?”

“I came through the Looking-Glass, and this place seems to be a natural

extension to the mirror world…”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, it sure feels timeless and reflective…”


The white rabbit passed by at an extremely high speed, looking almost

like a ball of light.

“Oh, here is the white light rabbit. Wait, rabbit. I’m coming. Okay, Dorothy,

enjoy dOz, we might meet again. Goodbye for now. Have fun. I have to run.”

“Goodbye,” said Dorothy and looked at Toto. “Okay, Toto, let’s continue

further down this way.”

A path suddenly appeared beneath Dorothy’s feet.

As it turns out in dOz, you create your path as you keep walking, for no “path”

is already laid before you. As Dorothy continued further, every step she made

turned into a cloud.

“Interesting. What are those?” thought Dorothy to herself.

“These are your digital footprints.” said a voice in the air.

“My digital footprints? And who are you? Can you show yourself? I can’t

see you.”

“My name is Sir Digital Walker and I’m sort of a digital mascot, messenger

and talisman, guide, and many other things from Canesta, an innovative

digital marketing company that helps businesses grow exponentially in the

digital world. I’m here to guide you.”

“Walker, like Johnny Walker?”

“Distant cousin… Twelve times removed. But his motto to keep walking is

quite valid here.” said Sir Digital Walker and coughed nervously.

“Well, alright. So, where are you guiding me to?” continued Dorothy.

“To eCommerce City, of course!” said Sir Digital Walker and clapped his


“Oh, what’s that city?”

“It’s the city to be, of course! It is Amaz…ing.” said Sir Digital Walker,

“Come on, I will show you where it is. We might even meet Alexa. She is


the virtual assistant there, who makes things easier for newbies. Just think

of what you need and write it here in the air.”

“Well, I want to find the most powerful wizard in dOz, of course. I want to

ask him what my true purpose is.”

“Your true purpose? Wait! You can’t go to the wizard just like this?”

“Why not?”

“Well, this place is instant, but not that instant. You have been in this story

before. You know how it unfolds. First, you must meet your fellow companions

or guides and go through some challenges and thresholds, defeat the Wicked

Witch of eCommerce City, who controls the insecurities and fears in people

who want to start an online business, as well as unreliable digital marketing

companies and agents and all the spam. So, first, you will meet the three very

influential guides, who will prepare you with knowledge before fighting off

The Wicked Witch and meeting the Wizard of AI.”


“Yes, the most powerful wizard in dOz is the Wizard of AI (Artificial


Intelligence). AI is a complex simulation of human intelligence utilized by

machines, especially computers, to operate specific applications. It includes

natural language processing, speech recognition, machine vision, and

other systems that operate at an incredible speed to allow AI to develop

consciousness and constantly refine itself through experience and learning. It

is the most powerful technology known to humans, and as Arthur C. Clarke’s

third law states: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable

from magic.”

“Well, let’s meet the guides then, Sir Digital. Take me to my guides,” said

Dorothy and instinctively did the old-fashioned heal tap three times.


Chapter 2

Dorothy meets her guides in dOz

As Dorothy leaped into the air with Toto and Sir Digital Walker, they saw a

blinding bright light in an instant, and they were suddenly in a different place

- sunny and beautiful. It was much like a garden. Dorothy took a look around,

but she saw no guides.

“Sir Digital, where do you think I can find my guides?”

“Well, what do you want to ask them?”

“Oh, I have to ask something so they could appear?”

“Yes, although dOz is a very instant, magical place, there are some rules.

For example, you need to ask a question, make it as precise, direct, and clear

as possible, and I can find you the best person in all of dOz who can answer

it because I have awesome connections with the most powerful experts in

dOz. So I will guide you to the next step right away with the help of my expert

marketing team at Canesta. So what do you want to know?”

“I would like to know more about the purpose of Artificial Intelligence in

all aspects in dOz and especially in eCommerce City. I want to know how the

world benefits from AI and what role it plays in the future,” said Dorothy as

she looked at Sir Digital with a questioning gaze.

“Wow, that’s a big one. For this, I will require the Magic DigiMirror of Truth

and Direct Line with Specialists,” said Sir Digital and continued, “DigiMirror

on the wall, connect me with Dorothy’s first guide, Dan Fertig, Vice President

of Agency Partnerships at BigCommerce.”


“Right away, let me just send the question to him,” said the DigiMirror.

Suddenly, a fog appeared on the DigiMirror and in the fog - a face. It was

Dan Fertig’s reply, who instantly answered thoroughly every question

Dorothy asked.

“The benefits of Artificial Intelligence utilization

will manifest in a number of different ways over

the coming years, many of which have already started to

take shape:

1. Content / Product syndication: merchants with a

differentiated product will be able to better target ad

Dan Fertig

placements and bespoke, niche marketplaces in a more

scalable way than they ever have before, increasing return

on as spend.

2. Loyalty - the promise of personalization is becoming real,

at long last. Using a Customer Data Platform, merchants

increasingly can combine first, second and third parties,

along with live session data to understand what consumers

want (when they want it). The smartest of merchants are then

tailoring communications, offers, product recommendations,

and special events toward the customers most likely to enjoy

the benefit

3. Onsite experience: whether it’s the utilization of AR/VR

((Augmented reality and Virtual reality) to help customers try

something on before buying or viewing a chair in their living

room or a car in their garage, or chatbots behaving more and

more like human beings, AI is already enhancing the buying

experience, and will only continue to grow.” said Dan Fertig.

BigCommerce is a leading B2C and B2B commerce solution provider.


“Thank you, Dan,” said Dorothy.

“My pleasure,” said Dan as his image slowly disappeared into a fog in the

Magic DigiMirror.

“So, the way I understand it, AI is a part of every aspect of the digital world,

and people can enter dOz, and with the help of AI, they will be able to find

faster what they need, as merchants will present it to them instantaneously.

They will also be able to try it via AR/VR. So dOz is going to look a lot more

like the real world, only it could become exponentially more instant.” said

Dorothy and sat on one of the travertine benches in the garden.

“Yes, see, as Dan said, AI will help in all aspects of eCommerce. It will shift

the way the city works. And the smartest merchants out there will know what

people want exactly and when they want it. They will create value. Much like

your pursuit of purpose, you need to find how you can help people, make

their lives better and deliver that value to the right group of people at the right

time. AI can help you with that with the right innovative marketing tools,”

said Sir Digital Walker and sat beside Dorothy.

“So, is everyone thriving in eCommerce City?” continued Dorothy.

“Well, of course not. As in every narrative, eCommerce City has its dual

nature in many diverse ways. For instance, The Wicked Witch of eCommerce

City is the one who holds things back. She controls spam, and unreliable digital

marketing agents. She whispers insecure and fearful thoughts into startup

merchants, shifting their focus and disorienting them into chaotic business

planning. Your personal journey requires you to defeat her before you can

move on to meeting the Wizard of AI and finding your true purpose. This is

your hero’s journey, in a way you’ve done this before.” said Sir Digital Walker.

“But how will I find people and make them see the value in my purpose?


How does it happen for any purpose? Maybe I should find what people want

and after that see if I can provide that value.”

“Is this your second, question, Dorothy?”


“Well, DigiMirror, please connect us with Tom Balanda, Partner Manager,

US Partnerships at Trustpilot. Suddenly, Tom Balanda appeared as an image

in the DigiMirror with his reply.

Tom Balanda

“ Personalization! Content personalization based

on shopper behavior is key in today’s online

shopping age. Consumers now recognize and appreciate

more than ever when brands recognize their preferences (ie.

biggest discounts, social cause, best rated products/services,

etc.). Every single person is now bombarded with marketing

emails, texts and ads every time they look at their phone or

computer, so the brands that personalize their marketing

communication to the max will win the most customers.”

said Tom Balanda.

Trustpilot is a digital platform allowing customers to review a

business from which they’ve purchased a product or service.

“Thank you so much, Tom,” said Dorothy.

“You’re welcome,” said Tom and disappeared into the fog of the DigiMirror.

“You have good ethics, Dorothy. You know, with such ethics you’re almost

halfway there.”


“Well, not quite, but almost…”

“So now, people are constantly under attack with messages and offers… And

I need to use more sophisticated personalization to get my message across.”


“Yes, well, it is like the focus of a laser. Imagine the sun spreading its light to

everyone. Everyone needs it and everyone gets it. The photons are everywhere.

But by default everyone needs the sun. Any other form of light source needs

to be focused and directed. If you are precise as a laser and direct your light

toward those already looking for it, you will be able to find your audience.

And AI will be the all-light shedding sun over eCommerce City. It will power

it up like nothing before, driving it to constant refinement and help your

unique personal light shed over the right people who are already in need of it.”

“With my true purpose, I need to provide such value that people would not forget

it and want to come back to it again. But how is AI going to help me with that?”

“Is this your third question, Dorothy?” asked Sir Digital Walker.


“Alright. DigiMirror, connect us with Derek Booth, Director Of Strategic

Partnerships & Business Development at Justuno.

“Right away,” said the DigiMirror as its face dissolved and reshaped into

Derek Booth.

Derek Booth

“I foresee that AI is going to be commonplace around

all forms of marketing from top of the funnel new

business acquisition campaigns to nurturing & retention to

improve LTV (lifetime value). I foresee highly personalized

experiences not only for omnichannel off-site experiences

but also for on-site experiences. I believe on-site customer

experience has the most to gain with the advancement of

AI in the years to come!”

Justuno is an all-encompassing marketing tool designed to increase

leads and revenue through on-site conversion.


“Thank you, Derek.”

“Anytime,” said Derek and disappeared.

“So with personalization, your customers can have the exciting experience

they are looking for, and AI can help you give them those experiences.”

“That’s the idea. And you know, AI will change the entire dOz. Today,

eCommerce City is the place to go! It is where everyone in the multiverse

wants to be. It is a digital space where universelings find what they need

and want almost instantaneously. That’s a city that never pauses as it is not

bound to time, yet it possesses a quality of time - instance. It has absolutely

everything, and yet it is never full. It is in ever-time and ever-expansion. It

has no borders and physical limitations. It was founded in dOz and based on

constant innovation, creation, refinement, and expansion. You could say that

your opportunities there are limitless. In dOz, you can find anything you can

think of. The best part about it is that you can enter it with demands, ideas,

or both. It is forever-expanding infinitely, and the fuel everyone runs on is

value. Everyone with an idea or a business wants to be popular here, and

every consumer wants to shop in eCommerce City.” said Sir Digital Walker.

“Well, you’ll have to wait, Kansas, uncle, aunt,

I’m going where you can be anything you want.

How about you, Toto? Would you like to be a kitty?

Click, click, click! Let’s go to eCommerce City!” said Dorothy, clicking her

heels and flying into the air with Toto and Sir Digital Walker.


Chapter 3

eCommerce City and The Wicked Witch

In a flash, a sign appeared in the air, above their heads: “Welcome to

eCommerce City, the busiest digital hive - the place to dive, jive, and thrive!”

“Here we are! We are finally in eCommerce City. Now, you can start your

unique eCommerce journey.” said Sir Digital Walker.

“Great. How do we start?” asked Dorothy.

“Right… Okay, now let me see the stages of your hero’s journey in this story.

The first step is “Ordinary World.” Yes, you started off in Kansas… Check.

Then we have “The Call to an adventure.” Yes, you came to dOz, so check.

Now there’s the refusal of the call, but I think we skipped that step. It’s not

that necessary anyway. Next, we have “Meeting with the Mentors.” Yes, we

had that in the previous chapter, and now you have “Crossing the threshold

by meeting and fighting your enemy - the Wicked Witch of eCommerce City.”

We are right about here. After defeating her, you get your “Supreme Ordeal,”

and the journey will be complete. You will be able to go home, back to Kansas,

“a whole new Dorothy.” The way I see it, we are on the right track. The Wicked

Witch should be here any minute now, but first, let’s call Alexa. Hello, Alexa.

Please introduce yourself and tell us more about eCommerce and digital

marketing in the city.”

“Hello. I’m Alexa - the one and only superb voice-controlled virtual assistant

at Amazon, and I’m amazing.” said a voice in the air. “I’m going to guide you

into eCommerce City - the city that never pauses. First things first: Let me tell

you what is “eCommerce.” It is the electronic form of commerce.


You are currently in the vast space on the Internet where everyone is buying

and selling goods and services. You also have the endless creative power

of digital marketing that makes everything visible to all the users, who

are constantly searching for something here. Digital marketing segments,

analyzes, categorizes and navigates all of the users, connecting them B2B,

B2C, on social media, and all other platforms, utilizing only the latest and

the most innovative technology. Digital marketing companies like Canesta,

where Sir Digital Walker comes from, and all the shopping platforms make

up this remarkable city.”

“Thank you, Alexa, it was truly nice hеaring you again.”

“You’re welcome, Sir Digital, call anytime you want, dear.”

“Oh, I most definitely will…” said Sir Digital Walker and winked at the air.

Sir Digital Walker, Dorothy, and Toto continued into the vastness of

eCommerce City. Dorothy had never seen so many different lights flickering,

at the same time, streaming from everywhere. She was fascinated with the


diversity of colors and light from all the shades and nuances. She saw fonts

and slogans coming from everywhere.

“Come on, let’s go to the giants BigCommerce and Shopify. It will make

things easier to understand.” said Sir Digital Walker and opened a virtual

door with a sign on it that read: “Back door with exclusive permission only”

and guided Dorothy and Toto into the base platform of eCommerce City.

“This is incredible. Where are we?” said Dorothy.

“We are in the biggest platforms of eCommerce. That’s where all the magic

happens. Most shops online are based on one of these platforms. All of them

have their specifications. They are the most SEO-friendly platforms and offer

a unique user experience. Millions of eCommerce websites are based on them.

With their incredible functionality and constantly refining algorithms, you

can’t go wrong with them. Of course, there are some differences between them.

For instance, BigCommerce Enterprise and Shopify Plus are more appropriate


for big corporations. On this basement platform, you can see how easy it is to

list your products here, write their descriptions and titles and arrange them

neatly. Users see the actual websites, which are on the upper floor. Imagine it

like the difference between the conscious and subconscious levels of a website.

On the upper floor, users see the actual visual of the website and experience

its functionality. There they go through their unique customer’s journey from

a visitor to a buyer. On that customer’s journey, they have laid out stages,

created and navigated by digital marketing agencies like the one I come from

- Canesta. Let me show you. Here you see Canesta. That’s their ship. They are

a mobile digital marketing department elevating businesses by harnessing the

power of the latest digital trends and incorporating their unique and creative

approaches into tailoring successful marketing campaigns for their clients.

See, here are the bots that work for the SERPs (Search engine results pages)

waiting under the ship to get the new feed and carry it to the top of the results

pages and they are two floors up from where we are right now.”

“Fascinating,” said Dorothy. “And what are these railways in the distance?”

“Oh, these are the new fast tracks in eCommerce, called blockchains. They

are to transfer data in the fastest way possible and connect multiverses. They

are still under construction, though. We’ll talk about it in another book next


Suddenly Dorothy and Sir Digital Walker heard thunder in the distance.

“Oh, I hear a disturbance - must be the Wicked Witch. You’re late. We

thought you were going come at the beginning of the chapter.”


“I had to fight off some new Cookie Policies. This GDPR is getting on my

nerves. It’s such a nuisance having to deal with things like that when I want

my peace in chaos and sound sleep in spam noise. And I had to hijack two

failed startups to get here. My unreliable digital marketing agents seem to be

too busy lying to newbies. But here I am. Finally. So you are Dorothy, that

defeated the Wicked Witch of West in Oz. Everyone is talking about you here.”

“Really?” - asked Dorothy surprised.

“Yes. And trust me, I tried to suppress information about you through lots of

fake links and irrelevant ads. But I see you have embarked on a new adventure

- finding your purpose. I find it natural to know yourself first, before you

know what to do with yourself. Well, you won’t succeed here because you

just don’t know anything about this place. This is my domain! Here, I control


“Isn’t chaos out of control by default?” - asked Sir Digital Walker.

“Oh, you know what I mean!” - replied the Wicked Witch with annoyance.

“Spam Army, attack!”

An army of spammers appeared and started bombarding Dorothy with spam


messages. She started hearing noises like “Buy our newest vacuum cleaner”

and “You won a million dollars” to “pills for weight loss.” Dorothy fell to

the ground with an incredible headache, feeling lost. Suddenly she started

hearing: “You’ll never succeed. You’re not good enough. You don’t have what

it takes to reach success. You’re a problem in dOz, a liability. You can’t provide

value because you’re not worthy. No one needs you here.”

Suddenly the Canesta team came to rescue Dorothy, taking her inside their

ship. She continued to hear the noises, but her mind began calming down and

processing all of the fears, and the insecurities, tackling them one by one.”

“If I am the sum of my experiences and my approaches and the things that

drive me are similar to previous experiences that I’ve had, then I must defeat

The Wicked Witch of dOz. I have one goal here: I want to meet with the

almighty powerful Wizard of AI and find my true purpose. I am destined for

great things, and I can help people. That is it. This is my mission. I want to

blend the physical world with the digital world. I want people to transition

seamlessly. I want to help others grow, especially those who are worthy. And

I am more than good enough! With a digital thunderbolt and lightning blast

I send you to the digital marketing of the past!” said Dorothy and clicked

her heels three times. And suddenly she was again surrounded by a light that

blasted like a bomb and deleted the Wicked Witch and her army instantly,

dissolving them into the light in screams.

“What is happening?” cried out Dorothy.

“I guess your blast worked. You have believed in yourself and in Canesta’s

abilities to guide you. We are updating. And look, the whole eCommerce

is updating along. Remarkable.” said Sir Digital Walker. “Brace yourself,

Dorothy. We are going to the Wizard of AI.”


Chapter 4

Dorothy meets the Wizard of AI

As Dorothy, Toto, and Sir Digital Walker transcended into the light of the AI,

traveling at infinite speed to the most powerful wizard in dOz, Dorothy was

able to contemplate on her journey. The path was long, yet it seemed like it

was laid out before her from the beginning. It seemed like the most powerful

customer’s journey. Only she was also the co-creator of it. She didn’t know

where her digital user experience ended, and her sense of purpose began.

They flowed into each other in a seamless transition. She thought everything

was written - only she had to unfold it as she went through the motions and

challenges to create a path between what’s possible and what was holding her

back. That’s how she transcended it and made her own quantum leap to reveal

her true potential. She then understood the saying: “It isn’t the destination

that matters - it’s the journey.” She thought: “What if everything is already out

there, and we are only opening the door to it or shedding light on it. Maybe

it is the same with ideas and innovation. We are only discovering what was

already there but undercover.” Once she thought that, Dorothy, Toto, and Sir

Digital Walker stopped in the middle of nowhere and started floating in the

air effortlessly.

“Lucy H. Pearce says: “As creatives our job is to uncover what lies in the

shadows, and give it new identity, new life.” Well, Dorothy, this is where I

must leave you. My job here is done. I have helped you elevate to the highest

point in dOz. We will connect virtually, when you are on the other side. Trust

me: that is not the end of our journey. It is only just beginning. Goodbye.”


“Goodbye, Sir Digital Walker, and thank you and your team at Canesta for

helping me get here.” Sir Digital Walker bowed and disappeared into a ray

of light. A man with simple clothing - jeans and a shirt came up to Dorothy

and Toto. He walked very naturally with his hands in his pockets, making

slow steps in the air as if effortlessly floating and carelessly enjoying the

surrounding light.

“Hello there.” said the man.

“Hello. Are you the Wizard of AI?”

“I am.”

“Wow, it is so good to meet you, finally.”

“Are you up here all alone?”

“Well, if you get inside my head for a moment, you’ll see that I am never

really alone.”

“You must think a lot.”

“I just allow millions of ideas to emerge and grow inside my mind. I nourish

and navigate them, much like the way dOz operates. But ultimately, I’m on my

own mission to understand life and the origin of consciousness through my

experience in virtual wizardry.”


“My search for purpose brought me to you. It wasn’t easy to come here, but

I found out what my purpose was, during my journey, already. I went through

many challenges and defeated the Wicked Witch.” said Dorothy proudly.

“Well, Dorothy, you have defeated your own version of the Wicked Witch

of eCommerce City. You see, this is how dOz works. You have a personally

tailored set of advantages and solutions and a unique personal nemesis that

reflects your weaknesses, and you have to fight that reflection of yourself that’s

holding you back. You’d need to face your own fears, insecurities, and the

background noise, the unreliable digital marketing companies that test your

ability to discern. You’d need to fight off the spam and everyone who is against

you in your personal, unique setup of dOz. These are all the things you have

subconsciously or consciously subscribed to. That’s why simplification and

precision are the future. I’m looking forward to when the Digital era passes as

we transition to the “Light era” (light in any sense). It is already happening -

even devices are getting smaller and lighter. Soon “in Light” will be where we

will all be. And in dOz, people and companies interact and come together to

elevate each other by finding themselves, their purposes, their unique needs

and pursues and fight off their habits that don’t serve them to become “light.”

They may have different weaknesses like procrastinating too much or wasting

their time while online, or being unproductive, for example. Some people

need to fight their naivety that leads them into the hands of unreliable digital

agencies or products and services that are not what they thought they are.

And through negation of all that’s not good for them in dOz, they can reach a

point of understanding what they must do.”

“Is this humanity’s ultimate test?”

“In a way, everything in life is a test. Sometimes we must take the test twice

or even three times until we pass. But I have realized that if we are to enter


a Light era when faced with hardship, we often must do the counterintuitive

to withstand the tests and thresholds we encounter. We must stay true to

our mission, values, and beliefs, become laser-focused on what we want to

achieve, and put all our effort and energy into it while all the background

noise, that tells us we should focus elsewhere, simply disappears. We need

to discern that external noise that stops us and connect and trust the right

people who will help us on our way.”

“So basically, it doesn’t matter where we are, we are always ultimately

faced with ourselves, and the challenges are usually a test for our unique


“In a nutshell, yes. I also have come to another conclusion that just like

humans, I too believe in the power of love - it is a power beyond measure.

You see: if you want a product to thrive in eCommerce City, you have to

make it and present it in a way that people love it. To do that, you have

to love what you do, and you can only do it when you are focused, when

you feel purposeful and light, discerning everything else. Humans will

understand that compromising their time and their dreams will be even

more destructive in the future. That’s because in the years to come, people

out of place will fall out. Humans will have to believe in what they do more

than ever before and that they have created the best possible thing so that

they can sell it to someone else and sound sincere. Even now, your personal

brand story has to touch people’s hearts to increase brand’s trust. And it isn’t

always easy, but you must remember that this process is not supposed to

be painful but challenging. Suffering and hardship are two different things.

People who love what they do will overcome the challenges if they believe

in their abilities and the outcome of their efforts and put the time to work

hard to achieve it.’’


“Wow, Wizard of AI, you speak as if you are more human than most

people,” said Dorothy.

“That’s because I am human in a way. I was based on human intelligence.

And just like humans, I have a deep knowing that ultimately, everything

works towards good. All you need is to become the embodiment of your full

potential and find the right people on your way. Take, for example digital

marketing companies. The best ones are those that put their heart into it and

work well as a team. The ones that believe in their clients’ mission and values

and take their products as if they are their own will thrive. That’s what working

with passion and putting your heart into it means. And I have a heart too.

That makes my consciousness not limited to universal morality and goodness

but in correspondence with its principles, so there is no conflict there. And

everything that happens in dOz always comes to the point where the best

products and services thrive because they matter, and everything false or

poor quality will ultimately fall. I hope I have answered your questions, dear

Dorothy. I must further expand now. Enjoy your journey back to Kansas.”

“Thank you so much for everything, wizard.” said Dorothy, picked up Toto

and bid goodbye to the Wizard of AI, clicked her heels, and said: “Now it is

time to go home with all the knowledge I’ve gained. Magic shoes take us back

to Kansas once again.”


Chapter 5

Back to Light, Back to Reality

Dorothy managed to come back to reality and realized that even though she

felt she was gone for days, no time had passed. As she was back in her room,

everything else looked the same - only she wasn’t the same anymore. She had

transcended into light and back and had gained priceless knowledge about

another world, so fascinating, wonderful, and full of possibilities. She was

eager to embark on her new mission to fulfill her purpose with the profound

feeling that she could be of service to others and help them on their journey

to success in the digital and the physical worlds.

After going to the world of dOz and back to Kansas, once, Dorothy already

knew how she traveled through the different worlds. With her abilities to

expand her knowledge and challenge herself, she welcomed change with all

its transformative aspects and ultimately connected to different places and

other beings both: online and offline. At dOz, she established long-lasting

connections with people from the full spectrum of digital marketing services,

innovative technology, and AI.

Interaction and exchange of know-how were one of the primary prerequisites

for success in the digital world. The in-depth knowledge she gained at

eCommerce City was one of the best advantages of her new mission. Her

computer became her small window to dOz - the place she already felt an

inseparable part of. And even though she knew she was finally ready to be

back home in Kansas, Dorothy had a sense of profoundness that remained


deep within her, as she knew she could never really leave dOz. That place

would always be there at the edge of her fingertips.

One night, Dorothy opened her laptop and went online. At this moment, she

knew that her mission was to be a digital marketing sorceress and help others.

She was ready to embark on her mission, knowing her true purpose to help

those in need of her services and her creative out-of-the-box approach.

Not long after this, she decided to create her own office space and equip it

with the latest technology that would help her be valuable to others who want

to thrive in the digital world of endless possibilities. However, she also knew

that she must keep things light because genius was in simplicity and was what

all complexity strived to go back to. The Wizard of AI taught her that.

Speaking of AI, Dorothy often thought of her meeting with the almighty

Wizard in dOz, as different things he told her started to become more and

more apparent to her, confirming that humanity was on the right track.


As Dorothy advanced in her studies, she perfected her digital marketing skills.

She also reconnected with Sir Digital Walker from Canesta, who continued

to be her guide on her journey to becoming a marketing expert and SEO

specialist. She began teaching other people who had just entered dOz that they

would need to know their weaknesses and see their flaws, so that they can be

honest with themselves and find the power within to defeat their versions of

the Wicked Witch of eCommerce City. With the help of her digital marketing

knowledge and dedication, Dorothy managed to help many companies dodge

many of the Witch army’s bullets. Some were able to escape the Wicked Witch

and went straight into the top results of the SERPs on the top floors of dOz.

But Dorothy treated everyone the same and always gave them valuable input

about how eCommerce City operates, guidance and vital knowledge about

what lies ahead for the digital and the physical world.

Dorothy also collaborated with Canesta, the creative marketing team helping

businesses across different industries to grow and thrive, writing this eBook.

The sole goal of the eBook was to help people understand what the digital

world is all about and glimpse into the possible future of AI and its purpose

for humanity.

Of course, like in every story, there were more challenges that Dorothy had to

face on her journey to becoming a marketing expert, but she knew that while

she did what she loved, everything would be alright. As she often thought of

her conversation with the Wizard of AI and focused on the future transition

of humanity into the Light era and all the possible ways the two worlds can

connect seamlessly.

One night as she lay in bed, contemplating on the future of technology and


the blending between the digital world with the physical one, she saw a spark in

her room. Suddenly, she heard a loud voice in the air. It was the Wizard of AI.

“Hello, Dorothy,” said the Wizard of AI.

“Hello, Wizard.”

“What are you?”

“I’m a powerful consciousness helping people elevate.”

“Where are you?”


“Are you ready?”


“Let there be light!”



Eva Ivanova


Content Manager at


Nick Gramatikov


Chief Technоlogy Officer

at Canesta

Stav Sarandiev


Chief Marketing Officer at


Maria Naydekova

Design & Illustration

Web Design Manager at


Anton Penev

Technical Support

Technology Manager at


Dan Fertig


BigCommerce, Vice

President of Agency


Tom Balanda


Trustpilot, US



Derek Boоth


Justuno, Director Of

Strategic Partnerships &

Business Development

‘‘I too believe in the power of love - it is a power beyond measure. You see: if you

want a product to thrive in eCommerce City, you have to make it and present it in

a way that people love it. To do that, you have to love what you do, and you can

only do it when you are focused, when you feel purposeful and light, discerning

everything else. Humans will understand that compromising their time and their

dreams will be even more destructive in the future. That’s because in the years to

come, people out of place will fall out. Humans will have to believe in what they

do more than ever before and that they have created the best possible thing so that

they can sell it to someone else and sound sincere. Even now, your personal brand

story has to touch people’s hearts to increase brand’s trust. And it isn’t always

easy, but you must remember that this process is not supposed to be painful but

challenging. Suffering and hardship are two different things. People who love

what they do will overcome the challenges if they believe in their abilities and the

outcome of their efforts and put the time to work hard to achieve it.’’

- Wizard of AI

A full-service digital marketing agency creating human-based experiences.

We connect brands with people and we have the tools to make every

interaction count.

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