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“Oh,” Hugo said. “Well. Until you do that, you should come and see my

scones. I’m proud of them.”

“Your scones?” Mei shouted from the kitchen. “How very dare you!”

Hugo laughed. “You see what I have to deal with? Get up, Wallace. You

don’t want to be there when we open. People will walk all over you, and no

one wants that. You least of all.”

He turned on his heel and walked around the counter before pushing

through the double doors, Apollo trailing after him.

Wallace gave very serious thought to staying right where he was.

In the end, he got up.

But only because he chose to.

The kitchen was far bigger than he thought it’d be. It was a galley kitchen: on

one side were two industrial-size ovens and a stove with eight different

metal burners, almost all in use. On the other was a sink and the largest

refrigerator Wallace had ever seen. At the back of the kitchen was a small

breakfast nook with a table near bay windows that looked out onto the tea


Mei had flour on her forehead as she moved from one side of the kitchen

to the other, frowning at the bubbling pots on the stove before muttering, “Is it

supposed to do that?” She shrugged and bent over to stare into each oven.

A radio sat on top of a cabinet, and Wallace was shocked at the heavy

metal music pouring from the speakers, thunderous and awful and in …

German? Mei made it worse by singing along in an off-putting guttural voice.

It sounded like she was trying to summon Satan. Wallace wouldn’t put it past

her to be doing just that. And oh, did that start a line of thought he didn’t

want to even consider.

He startled when he saw Nelson sitting in one of the chairs at the table,

hands resting on his cane. He’d … changed his clothes? Gone were the

pajamas and bunny slippers. He now wore a thick blue sweater over tan

slacks and shoes with Velcro straps. And he too was grunting along with the

music as if he knew each and every word.

“How did you do that?” Wallace demanded.

Everyone stopped to stare at him, Hugo in the process of tying his apron.

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