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heavily through his nose as he tried again with the same results. And again.And again. And again.Wallace heard Nelson laughing, but ignored him. If Nelson could sit in achair, then it was something Wallace could do too. He just needed to figureout how.He grew even more frustrated a few moments later when he still couldn’ttouch the chair.“Acceptance.”“What?”“You’ve accepted you’re dead,” Nelson said. “At least a little bit. Youthink you can’t interact with the corporeal world because of it. Your mind isplaying tricks on you.”Wallace scoffed. “Isn’t that what you all wanted me to do? Accept that I’mdead?”He didn’t like the smile that grew on Nelson’s face. “Come here.”Wallace did.Nelson motioned for him to sit on the floor before him. Wallace sighed,but he had no other choice. He sank to the floor, crossing his legs, handstwitching on his knees. Apollo raised his head and looked at him. His tailthumped. He turned himself toward Wallace, rolling onto his back, legskicking in the air. When Wallace didn’t accept the obvious invitation toscratch his stomach, he whined pitifully.“No,” Wallace said. “Bad dog.”Apollo farted in reply, a long sonorous sound.“Oh my god,” Wallace mumbled, unsure how he would find the strength tomake it through the night.“Who’s a good boy?” Nelson cooed. Apollo almost knocked Wallaceover as he wiggled at the praise.“Are you going to help me or not?”“Ask me nicely,” Nelson said, sitting back in his chair. “Just becausewe’re dead doesn’t mean we don’t have to use our manners.”“Please,” Wallace said, grinding his teeth together.“Please what?”Wallace wished they were both alive so he could murder Nelson. “Pleasehelp me.”“That’s better,” Nelson said. “How’s the floor? Is it comfortable?”

“No.”“But you’re sitting on it. You expect it. The floor is always there. Youdon’t think about it. Except now you are, aren’t you?”He was. He was thinking about it quite a bit.Which is why he suddenly found himself sinking through the floor.He scrabbled for purchase, trying to reach for something to keep him fromfalling farther. He was up to his chest by the time Nelson held out his cane,cackling as he did so. Wallace grabbed ahold of it as if it were a lifeline andpulled himself back up, only to start sinking again almost immediately.“Stop thinking about it,” Nelson told him.“I can’t!” In fact, it was all he could think about. And even worse, hewondered what would happen if he fell through the floor completely, only tohit the earth beneath and then go through that.But before he sank to the center of the earth only to perish (possibly) inthe molten core, Nelson said, “Did it hurt when you died?”He blinked, his grip on the cane tight. “What?”“When you died,” Nelson said. “Did it hurt?”“I … a little. It was quick. One moment I was there, and then I wasn’t. Ididn’t know what was happening. I don’t see what that has to do with—”“And when you were there and then you weren’t, what was the first thingthat went through your head?”“That it couldn’t be real. That there had to be some mistake. Maybe evenjust an awful dream.”Nelson nodded as if that were the answer he expected. “What made yourealize you weren’t dreaming?”He hesitated, his grip tightening on the cane. “Something I remembered.I’d heard or read it. That it wasn’t possible for you to see your own face in adream with any real clarity.”“Ah,” Nelson said. “And it was clear for you.”“Crystal,” Wallace said. “I could see the indents on my nose from myreading glasses, the stubble on my chin and cheeks. That’s when I first startedthinking it might not be a dream.” A fleeting thought, one he’d shoved awayas hard as possible. “And then…” He swallowed thickly. “At the funeral.Mei was … I’d never seen her before.”“Exactly,” Nelson said. “The mind is a funny thing. When we dream, oursubconscious isn’t capable of constructing new faces out of nothing. Anyone

heavily through his nose as he tried again with the same results. And again.

And again. And again.

Wallace heard Nelson laughing, but ignored him. If Nelson could sit in a

chair, then it was something Wallace could do too. He just needed to figure

out how.

He grew even more frustrated a few moments later when he still couldn’t

touch the chair.



“You’ve accepted you’re dead,” Nelson said. “At least a little bit. You

think you can’t interact with the corporeal world because of it. Your mind is

playing tricks on you.”

Wallace scoffed. “Isn’t that what you all wanted me to do? Accept that I’m


He didn’t like the smile that grew on Nelson’s face. “Come here.”

Wallace did.

Nelson motioned for him to sit on the floor before him. Wallace sighed,

but he had no other choice. He sank to the floor, crossing his legs, hands

twitching on his knees. Apollo raised his head and looked at him. His tail

thumped. He turned himself toward Wallace, rolling onto his back, legs

kicking in the air. When Wallace didn’t accept the obvious invitation to

scratch his stomach, he whined pitifully.

“No,” Wallace said. “Bad dog.”

Apollo farted in reply, a long sonorous sound.

“Oh my god,” Wallace mumbled, unsure how he would find the strength to

make it through the night.

“Who’s a good boy?” Nelson cooed. Apollo almost knocked Wallace

over as he wiggled at the praise.

“Are you going to help me or not?”

“Ask me nicely,” Nelson said, sitting back in his chair. “Just because

we’re dead doesn’t mean we don’t have to use our manners.”

“Please,” Wallace said, grinding his teeth together.

“Please what?”

Wallace wished they were both alive so he could murder Nelson. “Please

help me.”

“That’s better,” Nelson said. “How’s the floor? Is it comfortable?”

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