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“The process sped up the moment you stepped foot into Charon’sCrossing. And if you try to leave, the same thing will happen to you thathappened to Cameron.”Wallace reared back. “I’m trapped here.”Nelson sighed. “That’s not—”“It is. You’re telling me that I can’t leave. Mei kidnapped me and broughtme here, and I’m a damn prisoner!”“Bull,” Nelson said. “There’s a staircase at the back of the house. It’lltake you to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor is a door. You can go throughthat door, and all of this, everything will fade away. You’ll leave this placebehind, and you’ll know only peace.”It struck Wallace then, something he hadn’t even considered. He didn’tknow why he hadn’t seen it before. It was as clear as day. “You’re stillhere.”Nelson eyed him warily. “I am.”“And you’re dead.”“Nothing gets by you, does it?”“You haven’t crossed.” Wallace’s voice began to rise. “Which meanseverything you’re saying is bullshit.”Nelson placed his hand on Wallace’s arm, squeezing tighter than Wallaceexpected. “It’s not. I wouldn’t lie to you, not about this. If you leave thisplace, you’ll end up like Cameron.”“But you’re not.”“No,” Nelson said slowly. “Because I’ve never left.”“How long have you been—”Nelson sniffed. “It’s rude to ask about another person’s death.”Wallace blanched, uncharacteristically flustered. “I didn’t mean to—”Nelson laughed. “I’m giving you crap, boy. Need to have my fun where Ican get it. Been dead for a few years.”Wallace reeled. Years. “But you’re still here,” he said faintly.“I am. And I have my reasons, but never you mind what those are. I stayhere because I choose to. I know the risks. I know what it means. They triedto make me move on, but I gave ’em the ol’ what for.” He shook his head.“But you can’t let that affect what Hugo needs to do for you. Take the timeyou need, Wallace. There’s no rush, so long as you realize this is the last

place you’ll ever be before you cross, if you know what’s good for you. Ifyou can accept that, then we’ll be right as rain. Look. Here he comes.”Wallace turned back toward the window. Hugo was walking down theroad, hands in the pockets of his apron, head bowed.“Such a good boy,” Nelson said fondly. “Empathetic almost to a fault,ever since he was a tyke. Causes him to take the weight of the world on hisshoulders. You would do well to listen to him and learn from him. I don’tknow if you could find yourself in better hands. Remember that before youstart hurling accusations.”Mei waited for Hugo on the porch. Hugo looked up at her, smiling tiredly.When they spoke, their voices were muffled but clear. “It’s all right,” he said.“Cameron’s … well. He’s Cameron. Wallace?”“Inside,” Mei said. Then, “Do you think it’ll bring the Manager?”Hugo shook his head. “Probably not. But weirder things have happened.We’ll explain if he does come.”“The Manager?” Wallace whispered.“Ooh, you don’t want to know,” Nelson muttered, picking up his cane ashe shuffled back toward his chair. “Trust me on that. Mei and Hugo’s boss.Nasty fellow. Pray you don’t ever have to meet him. If you do, then I suggestyou do whatever he says.” He brushed a hand over Apollo’s back as the dogrose. Apollo barked happily as he paced back and forth in front of the door.He backed up as it opened, Mei talking a mile a minute as Hugo trailed inafter her. Apollo circled around the both of them. Hugo held out his hand.Apollo sniffed his fingers and tried to lick them, but his tongue went rightthrough Hugo’s hand.“All right?” Hugo asked even as Mei glared at Wallace.No, Wallace wasn’t all right. Nothing about this was all right. “Whydidn’t you tell me I’m a prisoner?”Hugo sighed. “Grandad.”“What?” Nelson said. “Had to scare him straight.” He paused,considering. “Something you probably don’t know a thing about, isn’t thatright? Because of the whole gay—”“Grandad.”“I’m old. I’m allowed to say whatever I want. You know this.”“Pain in my ass,” Hugo mumbled, but Wallace could see the quiet smileon his face. The hook tugged gently in his chest, warm and soft. Hugo’s smile

“The process sped up the moment you stepped foot into Charon’s

Crossing. And if you try to leave, the same thing will happen to you that

happened to Cameron.”

Wallace reared back. “I’m trapped here.”

Nelson sighed. “That’s not—”

“It is. You’re telling me that I can’t leave. Mei kidnapped me and brought

me here, and I’m a damn prisoner!”

“Bull,” Nelson said. “There’s a staircase at the back of the house. It’ll

take you to the fourth floor. On the fourth floor is a door. You can go through

that door, and all of this, everything will fade away. You’ll leave this place

behind, and you’ll know only peace.”

It struck Wallace then, something he hadn’t even considered. He didn’t

know why he hadn’t seen it before. It was as clear as day. “You’re still


Nelson eyed him warily. “I am.”

“And you’re dead.”

“Nothing gets by you, does it?”

“You haven’t crossed.” Wallace’s voice began to rise. “Which means

everything you’re saying is bullshit.”

Nelson placed his hand on Wallace’s arm, squeezing tighter than Wallace

expected. “It’s not. I wouldn’t lie to you, not about this. If you leave this

place, you’ll end up like Cameron.”

“But you’re not.”

“No,” Nelson said slowly. “Because I’ve never left.”

“How long have you been—”

Nelson sniffed. “It’s rude to ask about another person’s death.”

Wallace blanched, uncharacteristically flustered. “I didn’t mean to—”

Nelson laughed. “I’m giving you crap, boy. Need to have my fun where I

can get it. Been dead for a few years.”

Wallace reeled. Years. “But you’re still here,” he said faintly.

“I am. And I have my reasons, but never you mind what those are. I stay

here because I choose to. I know the risks. I know what it means. They tried

to make me move on, but I gave ’em the ol’ what for.” He shook his head.

“But you can’t let that affect what Hugo needs to do for you. Take the time

you need, Wallace. There’s no rush, so long as you realize this is the last

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