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“Because you know we can do it,” Mei said. “Or, at the very least, we can


“And because it’s the right thing to do,” Wallace said, and he’d never

believed anything more. How simple. How terrifyingly profound. “The only

reason the Husks chose as they did was out of fear of the unknown.”

The Manager nodded slowly. “Say I entertain this. Say, for a moment, that

I consider your offer. What will you give me in return?”

And Wallace said, “I’ll let go.”

Hugo was alarmed. “Wallace, no, don’t—”

“How strange you are,” the Manager said. “You’ve changed. What caused

it? Do you even know?”

Wallace laughed, wild and bright. “You, I think. Or at least you’re part of

it, even if nothing you do makes any sense. But that’s par for the course with

existing, because life is senseless, and on the off chance we find something

that does make sense, we hold onto it as tightly as we can. I found myself

because of you. But you pale in comparison to Mei. To Nelson. Apollo.” He

swallowed thickly. “And Hugo.”

Hugo stood abruptly, chair tipping over and falling to the floor. “No,” he

said harshly. “I won’t let you do this. I won’t—”

“It’s not about me,” Wallace told him. “Or us. You’ve given me more than

I could ever ask for. Hugo, can’t you see? I am who I am because you

showed me the way. You refused to give up on me. Which is how I know

you’ll help all those who come after me and need you as much as I did.”

“Fine,” the Manager said suddenly, and all the air was sucked from the

room. “You have a deal. I’ll bring the Husks here, one by one. If he heals

them, then so be it. If he doesn’t, they stay as they are. It’ll be a lot of work

either way, and I don’t know how successful it’ll be.”

Wallace’s grip on the table grew slack as his jaw dropped. “You mean


“Yes,” the Manager said. “My word is my bond.”

“Why?” Wallace asked. The Manager had agreed quicker than Wallace

expected. There had to be more.

The Manager shrugged. “Curiosity. I want to see what happens. With

order comes routine. Routine can lead to boredom, especially when it goes

on forever. This is … different.” His eyes narrowed as he looked at Hugo

and Mei. “Don’t mistake my acquiescence for a sign of complacency.”

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