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And Hugo said, “No. I won’t.”The boy blinked slowly, his eyelashes black soot against golden skin.“What was that?” he asked, voice pitched high and sweet, like candy-coatedrazors.“You’re not getting tea,” Hugo said.“Oh.” The boy cocked his head. “Why not?”“Because you’re going to listen to me, and I don’t want you distracted.”“Ooh,” the boy breathed. “Is that right? This should be interesting. You’vegot my attention. Go ahead. I’m listening.” He cast a sly glance at Wallacebefore looking back at Hugo. “But I’d hurry if I were you. Appears ourWallace here is having a hard time staying seated. I wouldn’t want him tofloat away while you’re … how do you all put it? Giving me the ol’ whatfor.”Hugo folded his hands on the table in front of him, the pads of his thumbspressed together. “You lied to me.”“Did I? About what, exactly?”“Cameron.”“Ah,” the Manager said. “The Husk.”“Yes.”“He went through the door.”“Because we helped him.”“Did you?” He tapped his fingers against his cheeks. “Fascinating.”Wallace felt like screaming, but he kept his mouth closed. He couldn’t lethis emotions get the best of him, not when this counted more than anything.And he trusted Hugo with every fiber of his being. Hugo knew what he wasdoing.Hugo’s voice was even when he said, “You let him be as he was. You toldme there was nothing we could do.”“Did I say that?” the Manager chuckled. “I suppose I did. Glad to knowyou were listening.”“You could’ve stepped in at any time to help him.”“Why would I have done that?” the Manager asked, sounding baffled. “Hemade his choice. As I told Wallace, free will is paramount. It’s vital for—”“Until you decide that it’s not,” Hugo said flatly. “This isn’t a game. Youdon’t get to pick and choose when you intervene.”

“Don’t I?” the boy asked. He glanced around at the others as if to say Canyou believe this guy? His gaze lingered on Wallace for a moment before helooked back at Hugo. “But, for the sake of argument, why don’t you tell mewhat I, an endless being of dust and stars, should’ve done.”Hugo leaned forward, face stony. “He was suffering. Lost. My formerReaper knew that. He fed off it. And still you did nothing. Even afterCameron turned into a Husk, you didn’t lift a finger. It wasn’t until Lea thatyou decided to do something about it. It should never have taken that long.”The boy scoffed. “Perhaps, but it all worked out in the end. Lea’s motheris on the road to healing. Cameron found himself again and continued hisjourney to the great and wild beyond. I don’t see the problem here. Everyoneis happy.” He grinned. “You should feel proud of yourself. Kudos all around.Hooray!” He clapped his hands.“Could you have helped him?” Mei asked.The Manager turned his head slowly toward her.She didn’t look away.“Well,” the Manager said, dragging the word out for several syllables. “Imean, sure, if we’re getting down to brass tacks. I can pretty much doanything I want to.” He narrowed his eyes. Wallace felt a chill run down hisspine as the boy’s voice became clipped. “I could have stopped your parentsfrom dying, Hugo. I could’ve kept Wallace’s heart beating its jazzy little jam.I could’ve grabbed Cameron by the scruff of his neck the day he decided toflee and forced him through the door.”“But you didn’t,” Hugo said.“I didn’t,” the boy agreed. “Because there is an order to things. A plan,one that goes far above your pay grade. You would do well to remember that.I’m not sure I like your tone.” He pouted, his bottom lip sticking out. “It’s notvery nice.”“What is that plan?” Wallace asked.The boy looked to him again. “Pardon me?”“The plan,” Wallace said. “What is it?”“Something far beyond your capability to comprehend. It’s—”“Right,” Wallace said. “What’s on the other side of the door?”It was subtle, there and gone in a flash, but Wallace saw the bewilderedexpression before it disappeared. “Why, everything, of course.”“Specifics. Tell me one thing besides what we already know.”

And Hugo said, “No. I won’t.”

The boy blinked slowly, his eyelashes black soot against golden skin.

“What was that?” he asked, voice pitched high and sweet, like candy-coated


“You’re not getting tea,” Hugo said.

“Oh.” The boy cocked his head. “Why not?”

“Because you’re going to listen to me, and I don’t want you distracted.”

“Ooh,” the boy breathed. “Is that right? This should be interesting. You’ve

got my attention. Go ahead. I’m listening.” He cast a sly glance at Wallace

before looking back at Hugo. “But I’d hurry if I were you. Appears our

Wallace here is having a hard time staying seated. I wouldn’t want him to

float away while you’re … how do you all put it? Giving me the ol’ what


Hugo folded his hands on the table in front of him, the pads of his thumbs

pressed together. “You lied to me.”

“Did I? About what, exactly?”


“Ah,” the Manager said. “The Husk.”


“He went through the door.”

“Because we helped him.”

“Did you?” He tapped his fingers against his cheeks. “Fascinating.”

Wallace felt like screaming, but he kept his mouth closed. He couldn’t let

his emotions get the best of him, not when this counted more than anything.

And he trusted Hugo with every fiber of his being. Hugo knew what he was


Hugo’s voice was even when he said, “You let him be as he was. You told

me there was nothing we could do.”

“Did I say that?” the Manager chuckled. “I suppose I did. Glad to know

you were listening.”

“You could’ve stepped in at any time to help him.”

“Why would I have done that?” the Manager asked, sounding baffled. “He

made his choice. As I told Wallace, free will is paramount. It’s vital for—”

“Until you decide that it’s not,” Hugo said flatly. “This isn’t a game. You

don’t get to pick and choose when you intervene.”

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