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For a moment, Wallace thought it’d be too much for her. That they’d

pushed too hard. He was surprised when she squared her shoulders. She

looked at Mei, who waved at her with a small smile. Then, to Hugo, “I’d like

a cup of tea, if that’s all right.”

“Okay,” Hugo said. “I’ve always thought tea was a good place to start.

And whenever you’re ready, if you’re ready, you’ll know where to find me.”

He nodded toward the table where the tea tray sat. “Milk or sugar?”

“No. Just as it is.”

Wallace looked on as Hugo poured the tea into two cups, one for her, and

one for him. He handed Nancy a cup before taking his own. He watched her

as she brought the teacup toward her face, inhaling deeply. Her hands started

to shake, though no tea spilled. “Is that…”

“Gingerbread,” Hugo said. “Her favorite.”

Another tear slipped down Nancy’s cheek. She drank deeply, throat

working as she swallowed. She took another sip before setting the cup down

back on the tray. She took a step away from Hugo. “I’d like to leave now.

I’ve seen enough for one day.”

Mei rushed forward, taking Nancy by the elbow and guiding her toward

the door. Nancy stopped before Mei could open it for her. She looked back at

Hugo, the color slowly returning to her face. “What are you?”

“I’m Hugo,” he said. “I run a tea shop.”

“Is that all?”

“No,” he said.

Nancy looked as if she were going to speak again, but shook her head as

Mei opened the door for her. She hurried down the porch, glancing back only

once. A moment later, lights from her car illuminated the tea shop as it

backed slowly, turning around before she drove away.

Mei closed the door, turning and leaning against it. She wiped her eyes as

she sniffled.

Hugo rushed to Wallace. “Are you okay?” he demanded. He reached out

for Wallace and looked stricken when his hands passed right through him.

Wallace felt the same. “You—”

Wallace smiled weakly. “I’m fine. It’s … I’m okay. Really. It took more

out of me than I expected. You did it, though. I knew you could. Do you think

it helped?”

Hugo gaped at him. “Do I think it helped?”

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