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were here in February. Speaking of, what brings you back so soon?”

Harvey scribbled furiously on his clipboard. “I’m a health inspector. I’m

inspecting. And I’ll be the judge of whether everything is as it should be. It’s

the point of surprise inspections. Doesn’t allow you to cover up any …

violations.” He moved toward the display cases, unaware of the three ghosts

(and one ghost dog) watching him with various shades of animosity. Wallace

wasn’t sure why Alan looked so aggravated, unless that was his default


Harvey stopped in front of the display cases, bending over to peer into

them. They were immaculate as always, the lights soft and warm on the

remaining pastries left over from the day, few though they were. “Mei in the

kitchen, I suppose? Tell her to cease all activities immediately. I’d hate to

think she’s covering up any crimes against humanity as she’s wont to do.”

Mei appeared in one of the portholes, a look of utter fury on her face.

“Crimes? Crimes? Come in here and say that to my face, you—”

“She’s doing what she normally does at the end of the day,” Hugo said

mildly. “As you well know.”

“I’m sure she is,” Harvey muttered. He stood upright, once again putting

his pen to this clipboard. “I’m not the enemy here, Hugo. I’d never want to

see this place shut down. I fear what it would do to Mei if she were forced

onto the streets if I had to shut down your tea shop. She’s rather … delicate.”

Hugo stepped in front of the double doors in time to block Mei from

bursting through them. He grunted when the doors struck his back, but

otherwise didn’t react.

Harvey arched an eyebrow.

Hugo shrugged. “She’s exuberant today.”

“Exuberant? I’ll show you exuberant, you—”

Harvey sighed loudly. “Temper, temper. Though I may be a health

inspector, I like to think the position allows me to comment on mental health

as well. Hers appears to be in dire straits. I would suggest she get that seen

to posthaste.”

“How has he not been punched in the face?” Wallace demanded.

“Hugo said we can’t,” Nelson said.

“That’s exactly right,” Hugo said evenly.

“It is?” Harvey said, sounding taken aback. “Why thank you, Hugo. I do

believe that’s the first time you’ve ever agreed with me.” He smiled, and

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