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“Because you’re still here.”“I am,” Nelson said. “I am.”“Do you feel that?” he whispered. Weightless, like he was floating, thesong, the whispers filling his ears.Nelson looked troubled. “Yes, but it’s not the same for me. Not anymore.Not like it once was.”And for the first time, Wallace thought Nelson was lying.He continued up the stairs. The stairway was narrower, and he knew hewas climbing toward the odd turret he’d first glimpsed upon his arrival withMei. It’d been something out of a fairy tale, of kings and queens, a princesstrapped in a tower. Of course this was where the door would be. He couldn’timagine it anywhere else.He took each step slowly. “Did you try to stop him?”“Who?”Wallace didn’t look back. “The Reaper. With Lea.”Nelson sighed. “He told you.”“Yes.”“I did,” Nelson said, but it sounded faraway, like a great distanceseparated them. A dream, the edges hazy around a thin membrane. “I triedwith all my might. But I wasn’t strong enough. The Reaper, he … wouldn’tlisten. I did everything I could. Hugo did too.”The stairs curved. Wallace gripped the railing without thinking. The woodwas smooth under his fingers. “Why do you think he did what he did?”“I don’t know. Maybe he thought it was the right thing to do.”“Was it?”“No,” Nelson said harshly. “He should never have laid a hand on that girl.He’d done his job by bringing her here. He should have left matters wellenough alone. Wallace, are you sure about this? We could go backdownstairs. Wake up Hugo. He wouldn’t mind. He should be here for this.”Wallace wasn’t sure of anything. Not anymore. “I need to see it.”And so he climbed.Windows lined the walls, windows he hadn’t seen on the outside of thehouse. He laughed when he saw sunlight streaming through them, even thoughhe knew it was the middle of the night. He paused at one of the windows,looking out through it. There should’ve been a vast expanse of forest on theother side, perhaps even a glimpse of a town in the distance, but instead, the

window looked out into a familiar kitchen. The faint sounds of Christmasmusic filtered in through the window pane, and a woman pulled homemadecandy canes from the oven.He continued on.He didn’t know how long it took to reach the top of the stairs. It felt likehours, though he suspected it was only a minute or two. He wondered if itwas like this for everyone who’d come before him, and he almost wishedHugo were there, leading him by the hand. Such a funny little thought, hemused to himself. How it pleased him, the idea of holding Hugo’s hand. Hehadn’t lied when he’d told Hugo he’d wished he’d known him before. Hethought things could have been different, somehow.He reached the fourth floor.He was surrounded by windows, though the curtains had been drawn. Alittle chair sat next to a little table. On top of the table was a tea set: a potand two cups. A vase had been placed next to the cups, filled with redflowers.But no door.He looked around. “I don’t … Where is it?”Nelson lifted one finger, pointing up. Wallace lifted his head. And there,above them, was a door in the ceiling.It wasn’t as he’d expected. In his fear, he’d built it up in his mind, a greatmetal thing with a heavy, foreboding lock. It’d be black and ominous, andhe’d never work up the courage to walk through it.It wasn’t like that.It was just a door. In the ceiling, yes, but it was still just a door. It waswooden, the frame around it painted white. The doorknob was a clear crystalwith a green center in the shape of a tea leaf. The whispers that had followedhim up the stairs were gone. The insistent tugging on the hook in his chest hadsubsided. A hush had fallen in the house around them as if it held its verybreath.He said, “It’s not much, is it?”“No,” Nelson said. “It doesn’t look like it, but appearances aredeceiving.”“Why is it in the ceiling? That’s a weird place for it. Has it always beenthere?” The house itself was strange, so he wouldn’t be surprised if it’d been

“Because you’re still here.”

“I am,” Nelson said. “I am.”

“Do you feel that?” he whispered. Weightless, like he was floating, the

song, the whispers filling his ears.

Nelson looked troubled. “Yes, but it’s not the same for me. Not anymore.

Not like it once was.”

And for the first time, Wallace thought Nelson was lying.

He continued up the stairs. The stairway was narrower, and he knew he

was climbing toward the odd turret he’d first glimpsed upon his arrival with

Mei. It’d been something out of a fairy tale, of kings and queens, a princess

trapped in a tower. Of course this was where the door would be. He couldn’t

imagine it anywhere else.

He took each step slowly. “Did you try to stop him?”


Wallace didn’t look back. “The Reaper. With Lea.”

Nelson sighed. “He told you.”


“I did,” Nelson said, but it sounded faraway, like a great distance

separated them. A dream, the edges hazy around a thin membrane. “I tried

with all my might. But I wasn’t strong enough. The Reaper, he … wouldn’t

listen. I did everything I could. Hugo did too.”

The stairs curved. Wallace gripped the railing without thinking. The wood

was smooth under his fingers. “Why do you think he did what he did?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he thought it was the right thing to do.”

“Was it?”

“No,” Nelson said harshly. “He should never have laid a hand on that girl.

He’d done his job by bringing her here. He should have left matters well

enough alone. Wallace, are you sure about this? We could go back

downstairs. Wake up Hugo. He wouldn’t mind. He should be here for this.”

Wallace wasn’t sure of anything. Not anymore. “I need to see it.”

And so he climbed.

Windows lined the walls, windows he hadn’t seen on the outside of the

house. He laughed when he saw sunlight streaming through them, even though

he knew it was the middle of the night. He paused at one of the windows,

looking out through it. There should’ve been a vast expanse of forest on the

other side, perhaps even a glimpse of a town in the distance, but instead, the

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