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“All the time you—would you stop hovering! You’re ruining it!”

Thin Man stood upright quickly and stepped away.

“Weird,” Squat Man muttered as he stopped near the fireplace. The device

squealed again as he swung it over Nelson’s chair. “It’s as if something’s

here. Or was. Or might be. Or never was at all.”

“Of course there was,” Desdemona said. “If you had studied the file I’d

given you, you would know that Hugo’s grandfather lived here before he

died. It’s most likely his spirit I’m feeling today. Or perhaps this place once

belonged to a serial killer, and his victims are reaching out from beyond the

grave after being horribly mutilated and then murdered.” She looked into the

camera, wiggling her shoulders, chest rising and falling. Wallace didn’t know

why he hadn’t noticed how violently red her lipstick was. “Just like when we

were at the Herring House last year. Those poor, poor souls.”

“Huh,” Nelson said. “Maybe she can feel something after all.”

“Get back in the kitchen,” Hugo muttered as he walked by them, carrying a

tray of tea. Wallace glanced back toward the kitchen to see Mei glaring

daggers at them through the portholes.

“What was that?” Desdemona asked. “Did you say something, Hugo?” She

looked into the camera again. “Followers of my channel will remember Hugo

from our last visit. I know he’s very popular with some of you.” She giggled

as Hugo set down the tray next to the Ouija board. Wallace wanted to gouge

out her eyes. “A dear man, he is.” She trailed a finger along Hugo’s arm

before he could pull away. “Would you like to stay and take part in what is

surely to be the paranormal event of the decade? You could sit right by me. I

wouldn’t mind. We could even share a chair, if you’d like.”

Hugo shook his head. “Not this time. Is there anything else I can get you,

Ms. Tripplethorne?”

“Oh, there is,” she said. “But children watch my videos, and I don’t want

to corrupt their precious minds.”

“Oh my god,” Wallace said. “How is she a person?”

Hugo coughed roughly. “That’s … what it is.” He stepped back. “If there’s

nothing else I can get for you, I’ll get out of your way. In fact, if there was

anyone else left in the room aside from you three, I’d tell them the same thing.

Get out of the way.”

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