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“You’re serious,” she whispered.“As a heart attack,” he said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to—”“You … you … you monster!” she shouted. “I demand an apology!”Of course she would. “An apology would imply I’ve done somethingwrong. I haven’t. If anything, you should be apologizing to me.”Her answering screech did not contain an apology.Wallace kept his cool as he pressed the button on his phone again.“Shirley? Has security arrived?”“Yes, Mr. Price.”“Good. Send them in before something gets thrown at my head.”The last Wallace Price saw of Patricia Ryan was when a large man namedGeraldo dragged her away, kicking and screaming, apparently ignoringWallace’s warning about felonious threats. He was begrudgingly impressedwith Mrs. Ryan’s dedication to wanting to stick what she referred to as a hotfire poker down his throat until it—in her words—pierced his nether regionsand caused extreme agony. “You’ll land on your feet!” he called from thedoorway to his office, knowing the entire floor was listening. He wanted tomake sure they knew he cared. “A door closes, a window opens and allthat.”The elevator doors slid shut, cutting off her outrage.“Ah,” Wallace said. “That’s more like it. Back to work, everyone. Justbecause it’s Friday doesn’t mean you get to slack off.”Everyone began moving immediately.Perfect. The machine ran smoothly once again.He went back into his office, closing the door behind him.He thought of Patricia only once more that afternoon, when he received anemail from the head of Human Resources telling him that she would take careof the scholarship. That twinge in his chest returned, but it was all right. He’dstop for a bottle of Tums on his way home. He didn’t give it—or PatriciaRyan—another thought. Ever forward, he told himself as he moved the emailto a folder marked EMPLOYEE GRIEVANCES.Ever forward.He felt better. At least it was quiet now.Next week, his new paralegal would start, and he’d make sure she knewhe wouldn’t tolerate mistakes. It was better to strike fear early rather thandeal with incompetency down the road.

He never got the chance.Instead, two days later, Wallace Price died.

He never got the chance.

Instead, two days later, Wallace Price died.

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